*NEW BOOK* Extra Strength Homeopathy by: Manfred Mueller (AVAILABLE ON AMAZON) Note from Mr. Mueller This book is meant for the advanced homeopathic professional familiar with the basic concepts of our marvelous healing craft. If you are interested in expanding your skills …
I have personally observed thousands of seemingly miraculous recoveries from many otherwise deemed “incurable ailments.” – Manfred Mueller MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH Dear clients, students and friends, Last year, Ed Dowd, a former investment executive for the global firm BlackRock, …
I have received numerous calls over the past few months from concerned clients, former clients, friends and relatives, since the COVID vaccines have become available. Many had questions about the safety of these vaccines, and whether I would recommend they …
Every so often, we come across a gem in an old homeopathic book or journal. I first ran across Arsenicum bromatum while researching homeopathic remedies for my book Homeopathic Cancer Drugs: Oncology Materia Medica. During my 14 years of research …
The evidence shows that patients, not physicians, are the primary impetus for the increasing call for homeopathic cancer treatment worldwide. In the countries where homeopathic treatment is available, treatment is often provided in the absence of good professional references on homeopathic cancer drugs.
In a previous paper we have shown that tautopathic therapy has been a product and outcome of homeopathic practice ever since the classical era of homeopathy.2 Although minor controversies about the place tautopathy ought to maintain within homeopathic practice continue to the present time…
Graves Disease Cured with Homeopathic Treatment! Lori was middle-aged, around 50. She appeared thin, haggard, nervous and so restless, she could not sit still for even a moment. She would fidget constantly. Her arms and legs were twitching and jerking. …
Dear Dr. Ernst, I am posting this response to your December 24 blog post (addressed to me) here on my blog, as I have doubts as to whether or not you will publish my response on your own blog… We …
[gn_quote cite=”Wayne B. Jonas, M.D., JAMA, November 11, 1998, Vol. 280, No. 18, p. 1617″] “Alternative medicine is here to stay. It is no longer an option to ignore it or treat it as something outside the normal processes of …
Homeopath and Hpathy.com Editor Alan Schmukler Interviewed Manfred Mueller for the May 2016 Cardiology issue of the ezine. [gn_box title=”Keywords” style=”soft” title_color=”#96c4ff” radius=”0″] alternative treatment for heart disease, homeopathic treatment for heart disease, homeopathic cardiology, antidoting drug effects, homeopathic …
Homeopathy: a “new” treatment for Multiple Sclerosis? Keywords: The Mueller Method of homeopathy, multiple sclerosis, weakness, paralysis, erectile dysfunction, depression, suicidal, concussion, traumatic brain injury, alternative medicine, drug side-effects, neurological disorders, the cancer diathesis, homeopathic treatment for multiple sclerosis …
Most homeopathic studies seek to investigate whether homeopathic treatment can be shown to be effective within accepted methodologies of medicine, biology, chemistry and physics. However, there are theoreticians that argue that traditional research methods are inappropriate or insufficient to assess …
This is an edited and augmented excerpt from one of Manfred Mueller’s tutorials. Manfred developed The Mueller Method™ which introduces many features that go above and beyond standard homeopathic practice. The following cases will help the reader to have a …
April 24, 2009 (first publishing) We have received many calls about the latest swine flu scare. Our clients have had several questions. I will try to answer them below. Before you read my answers, however, I suggest you read what …
By Manfred Mueller, RSHom (NA), CCH first appeared in The American Homeopath, vol 19 Cerebrovascular injuries, whether from trauma, surgery or internal chronic conditions, are all too often the cause of permanent disability, if not fatal outcomes. It is perhaps …
By Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH The flu propaganda machine is currently in full gear. Supposedly, the H1N1- swine flu is rearing its ugly head again. Dire consequences and even deaths are regularly reported on the nightly news. Scary …
April 24, 2009 (first publishing) We have received many calls about the latest swine flu scare. Our clients have had several questions. I will try to answer them below. Before you read my answers, however, I suggest you read what …
I’ve been thinking… In May 1987, I flew into Los Angeles and took the bus north to one of California’s most beautiful, picturesque towns. Before I boarded the bus, I stopped at a nearby convenience store and to my surprise, …
One of my clients called very concerned about her parents. They had been involved in a terrible car accident. Although they had not been hurt, not even a scratch, they were suffering from emotional trauma from the experience. I did …