
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH

Homeopath, Founder, Instructor, Author (Books, Articles, Blogs), Researcher, Mentor

Mr. Mueller is a professional homeopath in a private practice. From 1986-2004, he ran a full-time homeopathic practice in Durham, North Carolina. Since 2004, he has provided homeopathic telephone consulting services to clients with complex chronic disorders from around the world.

Mueller began his homeopathic training in 1979. He mentored with world-renowned homeopaths, including Francisco Eizayaga, MD, of Argentina (post-graduate training in advanced clinical management), and Georg von Keller in Germany. His training also includes post-graduate studies at the British Institute of Homeopathy (BIH) and a preceptorship at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.

Mueller developed a new method of homeopathic treatment called “The Mueller Method™,” a term coined by one of his students. It is a comprehensive system of treatment, refined over the past 30 plus years, for restoring health and reversing chronic psychological and physical disorders. The method is designed to remove adverse effects of drugs, vaccinations, emotional traumas, toxins and occupational & environmental exposures that are at the root of many of today’s complex disorders. He has made extensive observations into the homeopathic remedy Carcinosinum.  In addition, he specializes in the treatment and removal of mercury toxicity and of the predisposition to cancer – a condition that affects 90% of today’s patients.

Manfred is the author of Homeopathic Cancer Drugs: Oncology Materia Medica and several other upcoming books on homeopathy.