There are many aspects that make The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy so different from other, simpler methods of homeopathy. Here are a few of the highlights:
- Reverse Chronological Tautopathy, aka “Antidoting” or “clearing” for the causes of disease(s): long term effects of medications, anesthetics, OTC drugs, surgeries, recreational drugs, X-rays & other imaging procedures, ionizing & non-ionizing radiation, pesticides, herbicides, industrial compounds, toxic personal care products, etc. The clearing process works backwards in time, from your most recent exposures to the oldest.
- Detoxifying heavy metals and other toxins using a gentle oral chelation protocol with support from specific homeopathic medicines; metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, iron, copper, manganese, etc.

- Treating multiple conditions simultaneously. During chronic treatment, when indicated, we alternate daily doses of well chosen remedies to suit all your conditions or syndromes. This might include constitutional as well as symptomatic treatment. As with all homeopathy, treatment with The Mueller Method™ is always individualized.
- Identifying and treating the “predisposition to cancer”. Cancer is a common, long-term outcome of many disorders. Scientists have shown cancer to be the result of exposure to many toxic agents, inducing mutation and activating the so-called “oncogene”. During your complete health evaluation, your family history, personal history, vaccines, medications, exposures and other general symptoms such as personality, health tendencies and emotions are considered. For more information, here’s a great article and an interview on the subject.
- Individualized dosing for all medicines. We don’t believe in the “homeopathic aggravation”! Instead, we have tools to adjust all dosing to virtually eliminate uncomfortable symptoms or the “healing crisis” from any homeopathic medicines you take. Remember, dose is different from potency. It refers to the amount of each remedy you take.
- Nutritional supplementation and dietary/lifestyle changes, where indicated, can greatly accelerate your recovery. Too sensitive to nutriceuticals? Try them in homeopathic potency from this CelleTech.
The Mueller Method™ yields excellent results in clinical practice. It is highly flexible and can be customized to each situation and practitioner’s style. There are no rules or dogmatic interpretations, only time-tested guidelines and suggestions.

90% of today’s patients have what we call the cancer diathesis, or predisposition to cancer. This should come as no surprise to you when you look at the following statistics:
- In 2019 in the United States, cancer is the second leading cause of death
- Approximately 38.4% of people will be diagnosed with cancer (according to 2013-2015 statistics)
- In 2018, an estimated 1,735,350 people in the US were diagnosed with cancer!
Why should this be mentioned? Because homeopaths have an edge over cancer – we can see it coming years, decades and sometimes generations ahead of time. That makes the cancer diathesis THE MOST IMPORTANT clinical manifestation of our time.
Our tutorials and teachings (even conferences) deal heavily with this subject – because every homeopath needs to know this information. You can find a few our are articles and webinars on the subject here, our tutorials on the subject here.