Alan Schmukler Interviews Manfred Mueller About Cardiology & Much More
Homeopath and Hpathy.com Editor Alan Schmukler Interviewed Manfred Mueller for the May 2016 Cardiology issue of the ezine.
[gn_box title=”Keywords” style=”soft” title_color=”#96c4ff” radius=”0″] alternative treatment for heart disease, homeopathic treatment for heart disease, homeopathic cardiology, antidoting drug effects, homeopathic treatment for drug side effects, alternative treatment for drug side effects[/gn_box]
Drug Induced Heart Disease
AS: Many allopathic drugs have cardiac side effects, ranging from hypotension and palpitation to various arrhythmias. The effects of these drugs can last a long time. How do you approach such iatrogenic ailments?
MM: In fact, one of the most common problems we are facing in clinic today is iatrogenically (drug or doctor) induced illnesses. The list of common medications that cause heart complaints is long, indeed. You could say medications are the number one cause of heart disease today. Antidepressants, like Celexa have been linked to heart disease. Prednisone causes heart attacks. Synthroid causes tachycardia and arrhythmias. Haldol, Zyprex and Seroquel cause heart disease. Pepcid and Zantac cause heart complaints. Beta blockers and Calcium blockers cause heart attacks. Statin drugs, like Lipitor and Zocor, cause heart disease. Hormone replacement medications, like premarin cause cardiovascular disease. Even vaccines and general anesthesia medications can cause atrial fibrillation and induce heart attacks. …not to mention drugs that have already been discontinued, like the NSAID Vioxx and the antihistamine Seldane – both responsible for the death of tens of thousands of people who suffered heart attacks.
I address these ailments systematically by
(a) cautiously removing the causes, i.e. discontinue the respective medication (under doctors supervision, according to accepted guidelines, i.e. the Physician’s Desk Reference);
(b) clear their secondary effects with the appropriate pharmacode – the potentized remedy made from the drug; and
(c) all the while, treating the symptoms, with suitable homeopathic remedies. For more information see my tutorials, “Treating Patients on Multiple Medications”, “Principles of Antidoting”, “Reverse Chronological Tautopathy”, etc. This takes considerable experience, but with some study and trial, it can be done and should be done by every homeopath. While it goes a long way, the pharmacode or tautopathic remedy is not always enough to reverse all the damage and/or new disorders caused by the primary effects of a drug. This is why we still need the remedy or remedies that can remove the remaining problems.
Reverse Chronological Tautopathy, Removing Secondary Effects of Drugs
AS: Can the act of detoxing those allopathic drugs, releasing them from the tissues, create symptoms similar to the drugs themselves?
MM: Clearing the chronic action of drugs is actually not aimed at “detoxification” although some of that can take place as a result of using the drug in potency (pharmacode). The pharmacode removes the secondary effects of the drug, meaning, the chronic symptoms produced by the body in response to the drug, i.e the “drug disorder”. Hahnemann taught that the primary action is the initial chemical or toxic effect of the drug which suppresses the symptoms, or, for a duration, inhibits vital processes that sustain the disorder the antipathic drug is supposed to treat. However, as soon as this drug acts in the tissues, the body launches a defense against it, producing a whole new set of symptoms. These are the secondary effects of the drug. These drug effects can last indefinitely, or even progress, until they are stopped during homeopathic treatment.
[gn_pullquote]”Most Doctors don’t even know about the side effects of the drugs they prescribe – which is a travesty.”[/gn_pullquote]
For example, recently, Paolo, a young man from Europe who was in his twenties called me because of debilitating heart symptoms he experienced after a course of Cipro (ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic). He had been suffering from this for two years. He woke up several times at night, unable to breath with severe tachycardia, with a disagreeable fluttering sensation in his chest. These symptoms are among the “side effects” of Cipro. He also had other more common side effects, such as tightness of the hamstrings and tendons, peripheral neuropathy and muscle pains. Whereas he had always been cold before the Cipro, now he was hot all the time. And he was terribly depressed. Before these reactions, he was completely healthy, athletic, even working out daily. Now he was barely able to go to work, and could not exercise at all. The tachycardia episodes also started coming during the day, at work, at rest, in social situations, etc. The symptoms got progressively worse, not better, as time went along. It was as if somebody had turned on a switch, and started a progressive disease.
Paolo’s Doctors wanted to prescribe anti-inflammatories, NSAIDS, and blood pressure medication, even though his blood pressure was normal, and even though these drugs are contraindicated in fluoroquinolone reactions, and can make things worse. In fact, in general, conventional medical professionals appear to be completely helpless when it comes to managing severe long term drug reactions. After their medications did not work (and even made things worse) the doctor referred this young man to a psychiatrist! In their mind, if their drugs weren’t working, then he must be imagining things! It saddens me that this response by doctors is all too common. But that is a topic for another article!
The point is, in medical school, doctors never learn about the secondary effects of drugs. Doctors are taught that the body is a machine and needs such and such a chemical to function properly. Most Doctors don’t even know about the side effects of the drugs they prescribe – which is a travesty. It is their responsibility to solve the problems they create. After two weeks, they claim, none of the drug is still in the system and can no longer affect you; the remaining effects must be delusional. This is total denial.
If one takes a careful history, you should see that this gentleman was sick since taking the drug Cipro. Side effects are simply the effects of the drug, including the secondary disorders the body produces in response to the drug – in every single case – whether you are aware of it or not. The majority of people remain without symptoms. But an increasing number of people develop noticeable effects, and some of those remain sick after the drug is discontinued. Medicine should be aware of the secondary reactions of drugs, because it’s a fact that in every case a drug continues to affect the body for days, weeks, months and even years after the drug has been discontinued.
Nineteenth century homeopaths talked about such drug-induced disorders, like “never well since quinine treatment.” The solution in homeopathy is treatment with a medicine that can antidote the secondary effects of the drug, and we have these in our Materia Medica. We even have classical remedies that antidote the effects of modern fluoroquinolones, even though they are not listed in our literature as such. Needless to say, the homeopathic treatment worked. Over the next six months all of Paolo’s symptoms subsided. This gentleman had debilitating tachycardia episodes progressively worse for two years, and now he is back to normal. All his other symptoms subsided, too. He is back to work and exercising, and enjoying life, and as good as new.
Atrial Tachycardia
AS: A friend’s wife had atrial tachycardia. I repertorized her case to Lachesis but she wouldn’t take it. Her doctor first tried drugs, then cardioversion, then catheter ablation and finally they placed a permanent pacemaker. Can you discuss homeopathy’s use for this disorder?
MM: Atrial tachycardia is often induced by medication. For example, General Anesthesia can trigger this. I once had a case where a dental root canal was excised, and the patient went into atrial fibrillation during the procedure. But nobody will look at the effect of epinephrine in the anesthesia. We antidoted the epinephrine’s secondary effects, and the tachycardia stopped.
[gn_pullquote]”There are several remedies that could cure atrial fibrillation, depending on the cause and what exactly the condition is. No cardioversion, no pacemaker, no invasive procedures needed.” [/gn_pullquote]
A patient’s medical and drug history will often tell you what likely caused a reaction – and this history is so important to take these days. Do people realize that every disorder has a cause? What a concept! We first need to look for the cause.
By the way, the notion of causes has been completely discarded in medicine. They no longer look for causes. They just treat for the symptoms, as your case illustrates. Too bad, she would not take the homeopathic medicine. There are several remedies that could cure atrial fibrillation, depending on the cause and what exactly the condition is. No cardioversion, no pacemaker, no invasive procedures needed. The problem is only, people do not know about it, or because it is not pushed by their doctor, and they are afraid, they won’t try it. And thank you, Alan, for helping to get the word out with this interview. As a result of ignorance, patients allow all sorts of mutilation to their bodies, never knowing that there are safe and effective alternatives.
Mitral Valve Insufficiency and Leaking Heart Valves
I currently am consulting with a 62 year old woman named Julie who has atrial fibrillation. She was put on the drug Digoxin permanently. And her doctor wants to do another dangerous procedure, heart valve surgery – even though her health is currently so fragile that this could kill her. Homeopathy has remedies that repair mitral valve insufficiency and leaking heart valves (both of which she has). She has had this condition for years. She has a long history of smoking and she now also has asthma – which I think is actually of cardiac origin. But I do find it interesting to note that Julie did not have any real problems until the doctors got a hold of her. Now she needs surgery, or so she is told. Julie’s husband is so scared that she will probably opt for the surgery, even though she reports significant improvement from two months of homeopathic treatment. Whether or not it will solve her problem remains to be seen.
What could homeopathy do? Every dose of the right remedy or remedies (in cases of several conditions existing simultaneously) can induce reparative effects. None of the conventional treatments repair anything. It can only fix a problem temporarily, shut things down and will only make things worse in the long run as a result….which is exactly what Julie’s treatments did before. Heart valve surgery will produce a host of new problems, such as adhesions and scar tissue, not to mention the effects of the drugs, risk of infection, blood clots, etc.
Homeopathic treatment can remove any secondary effects from past wrong treatment, and in the mean time, induce restorative effects with a remedy(s) that can act on the heart valves. In this case, Julie’s heart valves are not the real problem, but the albuterol that she received in the hospital screwed up her heart rhythm, because it was given along with a cocktail of other contraindicated drugs, such as steroids, muscle relaxants and sedatives. These effects can be removed quickly with proper clearing remedies (or as I officially call it, using Reverse Chronological Tautopathy). If Julie really wishes to be well, in this case, remedies like Adonis should be given, which acts on the mitral valve and the aortic valve. She should be weaned from Digoxin, and the secondary effects of this drug should be cleared. Crataegus should be given, along with Lycopodium and Sepia, which she needs to address her general psychophysical and personality disorders.
Angina from of Blockage of the Heart Arteries
I’ll give you another example of where homeopathy can quickly and easily treat a condition, where an extremely risky and invasive cardiac procedure would be done (by-pass surgery) that only fixes things temporarily, and will need to be repeated in about 10 years (according to medical statistics). Angina from of blockage of the heart arteries! Cactus grandiflorus is perfect in this case and I have seen it work in several cases – avoiding surgical interventions all together.
High Blood Pressure
AS: Another area where allopathy doesn’t solve problems but makes matters worse, is hypertension. Could you say something about homeopathy’s potential in treating people with that problem?
MM: High blood pressure is one of the most common cardiovascular disorders today. More than half of the chronic cases I see are on blood pressure medication. The good news is, it is a curable condition! Virtually every one of them is off the medication six months later under treatment with The Mueller Method of homeopathy. One reason is, that the “Clearing Remedies” or Reverse Chronological Tautopathy (RCT) or antidoting of the drugs they have had over the years, straightens the problem out. This is done in every case during the first two months of treatment. Getting off HBP meds in the first six months is even the case when the diagnosis is “systemic essential hypertension” – just another excuse for iatrogenically and pharmacogenically induced high blood pressure!
RCT brings the body back into balance. Of course constitutional remedies and specific chronic remedies do their job also. In any case, instead of medicating patients for the rest of their lives, a more aggressive homeopathic treatment approach (like The Mueller Method) eliminates the need for hypertension medication within six months. And doing this can prevent heart disease and stroke – the most serious sequels of blood pressure medications.
By the way, most doctors do not know how to (or just don’t) measure blood pressure properly. The important point is to take readings at perfect rest, allow patients to rest completely for 15 minutes with no stress (hard to do at a doctor’s office!), before taking the blood pressure. Many patients are on blood pressure medication simply because of erroneous BP readings.
Another thing many doctors do not seem to know is that over age 60, a higher BP is physiological, meaning normal, and medicating for it would have serious adverse consequences. So, for a 62-year old man, an average reading of 156/93 is within the normal range! To put this patient on blood pressure medication would go against the recommendations of the most conscientious cardiologists and their so-called expert consensus documents put out by the American College of Cardiology.
Moreover, in 1998, two California doctors tried to publish the results of a large longitudinal study on high blood pressure. The study compared outcome between over 1000 patients on BP medication and those with high blood pressure who either refused the medication or for some reason could not take the medication. The researchers found the second unmedicated group, over this ten- year span, did better, having fewer heart attacks and strokes than the medicated group. The researchers could not find a peer-reviewed medical journal to publish their study. It was finally published in an obscure journal and that is why this important information never reached doctors at large.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Harm
Another study that found harm from common hormone replacement therapy (HRT) fared much better – it was widely published and, as a result, a significant reduction in HRT prescriptions for women during menopause has followed. Hypertension is one of the side effects of HRT! Unfortunately, many doctors, nevertheless, still prescribe the treatment and cause unnecessary heart disease. I say “unnecessary” because ordinary menopausal symptoms respond very well to homeopathic treatment which, we all know, is completely safe…and let’s not talk about how much more effective it is, either!
Structural Heart Problems, i.e. Blocked Coronary Arteries
AS: You mentioned valvular problems earlier. Are there problems generally thought of as structural, where homeopathy can have positive effects?
MM: Yes, structural problems can be healed over time with specific homeopathic treatment concomitantly with constitutional homeopathic treatment. As I have mentioned earlier, even the dreaded “blockage of coronary arteries” can be treated with homeopathic remedies.
[gn_pullquote]”… the whole notion of high cholesterol is based on a faulty theory. In fact, heart patients (and everyone) need cholesterol! “[/gn_pullquote]
Alternative or homeopathic treatment for coronary heart disease is capable of preventing open heart surgery. Unfortunately nobody knows about it. Apparently we homeopaths fail to educate the public. I had a few successfully cured cases diagnosed with 80 blockage of the circumflex coronary artery with some peculiar symptoms that led to the prescription of Spongia tosta. Other remedies that I have used in clinic to cure heart disease include Lilium tigrinum and Convallaria. I have seen several cases cured, within less than six months where the blocked artery had opened up and the blockage had disappeared. No surgery was needed. Instead of receiving the proper specific curative treatment, people are put on medications that are both ineffective and harmful.
Harm from Statin Drugs & Cholesterol
Take, for example, statin drugs. By the time the liver enzymes show abnormal readings, the liver is irreparably harmed. Besides, the whole notion of high cholesterol is based on a faulty theory. In fact, heart patients (and everyone) need cholesterol! The heart repairs its arteries using blood cholesterol. The myth of the “good” and “bad” cholesterol obscures this fact. Also, going on so called low-cholesterol diets causes the cholesterol level to rise chronically – only one of the many factors contributing to heart attacks. Because of false propaganda, perpetrated mostly by the conniving pharmaceutical industry, millions of patients end up unnecessarily on statin drugs when, instead, they should be eating high quality animal fats like butter, eggs, and other saturated fats. BTW, everything I say here is based on science. A diet high in antioxidants and saturated fats (the kind most Americans ate before the medical and food industries became commercialized), together with constitutional homeopathic treatment and RCT would prevent virtually any case of organic heart disease.
Inflammation of the Heart
Another issue is the recent discovery that, often, narrowing of the heart arteries is due to inflammation. Treatment with homeopathic anti-inflammatory remedies, such as Rhus toxicodendron, could save many a patient with heart disease. I already mentioned Crataegus oxycanthus – a virtual cure-all heart tonic that, in addition to treating mitral valve insufficiency, can remove plaque within the coronary arteries.
X-rays & Heart Tumors
And finally, I would like to mention homeopathic X-ray, based on an observation made by the late Dr. John W. Gofman, MD, PhD, professor of radiation medicine at UC Berkeley. He noted that too many chest x-rays and mammograms cause tiny tumors to form within the coronary arteries, causing their obstruction. These can be counteracted by X-ray in a 30C potency, as well as with the remedy Cactus grandiflorus – a homeopathic cancer remedy.
Heart Failure
Another structural condition is heart failure, seen more commonly in younger people now more than ever before. The problem here is complex, and including the known iatrogenic causes, I think one should look seriously at the multiple exposure to microwave radiation from telecommunication devices, that causes spikes in blood pressure, changes in blood chemistry, as well as strokes and heart disease in young people, as well as unexplained organ failure. This radiation interferes in a malignant way with the regulatory vital force, and causes havoc in the proper functioning of the heart. Research has shown arrhythmias, bradycardia, tachycardia, malignant hypertension, heart and kidney failure are all among the long-term complications of using and being around cell phones. The solution is to eliminate or reduce exposure, and conduct treatment with the appropriate homeopathic antidotes and other suitable homeopathic medicines.
AS: You’ve touched on many important topics today. Reverse Chronological Tautopathy clearly plays a critical role along with classical homeopathy. People need to know that there are alternatives to allopathic drugging, and that there are antidotes to drugs, vaccines toxins, diagnostic radiation and more. I think this interview will raise people’s expectations and hope. Thank you for sharing with us today!
See Manfred Mueller’s previous interview in Hpathy: http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-interviews/manfred-mueller/
Reprinted with permission from the May 2016 Cardiology Issue of
Hpathy.com, an online homeopathic journal
1 Comment
Dr. Mueller
Very interesting and informative!
I am highly Thankful to you for giving an excellent interview to Alan.
Your knowledge is fantastic !
You are the first Homeopath, who focused on Cardiovascular system in depth.
I must say……
Homeopaths like you, practices like you and having a in depth knowledge and evidence based Homeopathy like you surely stop critics and sceptics to ” shut” them up and can definitely STOP Homeopathy for being criticised.
I salute your in depth knowledge.
I would love to associate you with my Clinical Project here in UK and in India, if you wish.
Good Luck with kindest regards
& Many Thanks
Dr.Nikunj Trivedi
BHMS-Gold Medalist.
Consultant Homeopath…since1980.