Recent and Upcoming Publications
We are pleased to announce a few publications authored by Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH, and one co-authored by Manfred.
Homeopathic Treatment of Brain Hemorrhage: Several Cases
Mr. Mueller’s article Homeopathic Treatment of Brain Hemorrhage: Several Cases was just republished in the online homeopathic journal Hpathy.com. You can view the article by following this link . They will ask you to sign up to view the article but becoming a member well worth it, and it’s free!
“The Mueller Method™: Digging Deeper Into Your Homeopathic Toolbox”
Simillimum is the scholarly journal of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP). The Summer 2014 issue of Simillimum will highlight different treatment methodologies in homeopathic practice. It will include an article called “The Mueller Method™: Digging Deeper Into Your Homeopathic Toolbox” authored by Manfred Mueller.
We take pride to announce that their editor solicited the Muellers to write an article about this special method of treatment. To learn more about The Mueller Method™ click here, and be sure to check out our top quality distance learning tutorials.
“Is Homeopathy an Effective Cancer Treatment”
We are also pleased to announce that Mr. Mueller’s article “Is homeopathy an Effective Cancer Treatment will be republished in the upcoming issue of the International homeopathic journal Spectrum of Homeopathy. This issue will focus on cancer.
You can read this article on our website by clicking here.
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