The Practice of Tautopathy During the Classical Era of Homeopathy
A Review of the Literature
By Manfred Mueller, RSHom(NA), CCH
The tautopathic method in homeopathy is one that I have seen great benefit from in my own practice. When used as a pretreatment, it can be very effective in removing obstacles that would otherwise keep well indicated remedies from working, or even prevent aggravations from occurring. I have seen this method render patients deemed “incurable” by other homeopaths be cured by pretreatment with tautopathic prescribing. In fact, in some cases, I have witnessed miraculous healings where no conventional homeopathic remedy was ever prescribed because the patient had been suffering from an iatrogenically induced disorder and the most similar remedy was in fact the tautopathic one.
I and others have, in the modern homeopathic era, spoken out in favor of using this method as another tool in the homeopathic toolbox. However, I have noticed that within our own community there is a vast difference in opinion on the subject bordering almost on a rift. During my earliest ponderings on the possible use of the tautopathic method in the mid-eighties, I searched as much of the literature as I had access to. However, given my current observations on the reactions to this method, I felt it was warranted to do a more thorough review and documentation of this topic for presentation to the homeopathic community at large. In fact, I have found that the controversy on this subject is nothing new. I hope you will find the results both useful and of interest.
One of my observations both in the literature and from conversations with modern homeopaths, is that there exists some confusion with regards to the definition of certain terminology. With this in mind, I present the following clarifications.
P. Sankaran informed us that Mr Dudley Wooton Everitt, the late director of Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy in London coined the term “tautopathy.”1 Everitt was a Trustee of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital who reportedly donated “boxed homeopathic remedies to every graduate of the Missionary School of Medicine.” He also contributed to homeopathic provings, including in the elder Sankaran’s provings of Atrax robustus and Hydrophys cyanocincta. Everitt was a passionate supporter of homeopathy until he and sixteen homeopathic physicians died tragically in the 1972 Trident air disaster.2
Yasgur defines tautopathy as a form of isotherapy, primarily reserved for treating the effect of conventional drugs.3 Another form of isotherapy is isopathy. Isopathy has been around for centuries: it is the practice of employing a product of a disease for the prevention or cure of that same disease. Variolation was such a practice – a pre-Jennerian method of inoculation with pus from a smallpox eruption against a future smallpox outbreak. It was practiced in Europe and dates back to ceremonial use by the Druids and Hindu priests.4 Vaccination for smallpox, on the other hand, was originally done with cowpox, a similar disease. While Hahnemann appears to have supported Jenner’s vaccination as a sort of crude homeopathy, where a weak similar disease was used to prevent a stronger disease, he did not condone the use of crude isopathy such as variolation. However, some homeopaths like Hering introduced the idea of using potentized disease matter for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
The term tautopathy was introduced into homeopathy to distinguish it from isopathy. The word isopathy is commonly used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases with a product of that disease. In the homeopathic context, isopathy is “treatment with a potentized product, discharge or a microbe derived from a disease.” In other words, isopathy is the use of a nosode. The term nosode derives from the Greek word νόϭος (nosos) = disease or sickness.
Tautopathy usually refers to treatment of an artificial disorder with a micro-dose or potency of the drug or toxic agent that caused that disorder. I have coined the term “pharmacode” for a homeopathic potency of such an agent, from the Greek word φαρμακόν (pharmakon) = drug or poison, to distinguish these remedies from nosodes. The term isopathy is also used for both isopathy and tautopathy and the term isode for both nosodes and pharmacodes.
Isopathy derives from the Greek word ισοσ (isos), meaning equal or same, which was generally used in the sense of “equal amounts” and is therefore a misnomer. The term tautopathy derives from the Greek word ταυτόν (tauton) = same, selfsame, in the sense of “identical.” Tautopathy is defined by the Oxford Unabridged English Dictionary as “suffering caused by the same thing that was habitually used previously.”5
For the purposes of this paper I am using the term tautopathy for “treatment of a disorder with a potency/lower dose of a harmful agent that apparently caused that disorder.”
Hahnemann differentiated between the absolute action of drugs versus the limited effects of infectious diseases.6 These drug agents produce disease at all times, in every individual if given in sufficient dose, whereas infectious diseases generally only affect some susceptible persons. Tautopathy uses potentized remedies made from causative agents that are of such absolute nature, such as allopathic drugs, chemical poisons, animal and plant poisons, radiation, and electricity. Additional special areas where tautopathy appears to be useful are with (a) allergic reactions and (b) adverse spontaneous proving reactions during homeopathic treatment in sensitive individuals.
Undoubtedly, tautopathy is a complex topic. While I have commented on this method throughout this paper, it does not contain a full and detailed discussion of the method, which hopefully will be the subject of a future paper.
Review of the Classical Literature
In a 1960 booklet, the noted Indian homeopathic physician Dr Ramanlal Patel summarized his own rationale for the tautopathic method. His purpose was:
… to remove some ‘“obstacles to recovery in each case’” which are coming up in the way of homeopathy in the modern “wonder drugs’”era. Tautopathy cannot cure all types of drug diseases, but it can help to cure many and varied cases.7
Patel pointed out that many homeopaths failed to recognize that some of their patient’s symptoms are actually drug side effects, including effects of previous medications that had been discontinued.
If a homeopathic physician prescribes on the totality of symptoms without considering the symptoms or bad effects of drug diseases of previous medication, he is going to fail, no doubt.8
Patel noticed that not only could he remove the symptoms of the drugs with the tautopathic method, which would make it easier to find an indicated homeopathic remedy, but more often than not, there was:
no need of prescribing any other homoeopathic drug as in such cases patients recover completely if he is under the influence of that “wonder drug.”9
He used the tautopathic remedies as intercurrent remedies during constitutional treatment as well as during treatment of acute and chronic ailments. He used them in lower potencies than constitutional remedies, as a rule the 30c. He observed that you could even repeat the pharmacodes in the lower potencies without disturbing the action of the constitutional or chronic remedy.10
Patel discovered the method after he recognized the symptoms of Chloromycetin in a patient who had been overdosed with that drug. Based on the symptoms, he prescribed Bryonia alba 30c but without effect. He then tried Nux vomica 30c, as it is the most cited antidote for drug reactions, but also without result. Chloromycetin 30c was given every six hours and over the next five days the symptoms subsided.19
Patel was not the only one to comment on the fact that drugs can become “the obstacle to cure” and as such, need to be antidoted with a potency of that drug.
Donald M. Foubister reported similar experiences:
A man of forty-five who had suffered from very severe attacks of asthma for ten years responded to some extent to constitutional treatment. He had been born under chloroform anesthesia, and his mother had been greatly upset by the anesthesia. Natrum sulphuricum and Lachesis, both liver remedies, had seemed to help him. He was given Chloroformum 30c, and later 200c, and he has been practically free from asthma for over three years.11
Like Patel, Foubister made the observation that a constitutional remedy would sometimes not act, even though well-indicated, until the obstacle to cure caused by the influence of a past drug was removed.
A woman of twenty complained of bouts of colicky epigastric pains which began at the age of eight. The attacks had become much more frequent and more severe during the previous year. Investigations were all negative. Colocynthis 3x was found to be an effective remedy in relieving the pains, but despite careful constitutional treatment the number of attacks, about one in two weeks, was not reduced. There was a strong family history of cancer and four siblings had been helped by Carcinosinum. Carcinosinum adenostum 30c was given, but without apparent effect. She was the only one of the family born under chloroform anesthesia and on this fact, together with symptoms of liver dysfunction, Chloroformum 30c was tried. The attacks cleared for three months and then returned, but not so severely. Chloroformum 100c was given and followed by practically complete freedom for over three years. She became pregnant, and during pregnancy the colicky pains returned quite severely. She came to see me in July 1962 and Chloroformum 200c wiped out the pains.12
Foubister explained:
Constitutional homoeopathic treatment consists mainly of prescribing on the psychosomatic make-up of the patient and on the past history. The patient is viewed against a background of a theoretical average person of the same age, sex and social environment, and the salient mental and physical characteristics are noted and matched by a remedy having a similar drug picture. One or more, usually a number of remedies carefully chosen in this way can frequently restore health when there are no insuperable pathological barriers.
Quite often the psychosomatically selected remedy can cover outstanding episodes in the past, for example Natrum muriaticum when the patient has had concussion, but sometimes it seems that it is necessary directly to antidote some past event which greatly disturbed the patient’s health. The patient’s past history and the family history are similarly viewed against the background of a theoretical average family and personal history and outstanding features or events are noted.
Then, if psychosomatic prescribing fails to produce satisfactory results, the past history may lead to an appropriate remedy for that individual, or it may be advisable to prescribe on the family or individual history when there are no clear symptomatic indications for any one remedy right from the beginning.13
Foubister was of the opinion that while “as a rule constitutional treatment can deal with the after-effects of drugs once the drug has been excreted” there are many circumstances where the administration of unproved potentized medicines is justified when selected on the basis of events found in the patient’s history:
Some years ago I treated a child suffering from an almost purely allergic type of asthma. The attacks occurred about once a week on an average. The first attack had been apparently caused by inhaling sulphur fumes. In this case the constitutional remedy was Sulphur, which was given in the 30th, later the 200th, potency at long intervals, repeating when there was a relapse. The child was completely cured.14
A woman of forty-two developed psoriasis consisting of rounded areas about two centimetres in diameter, widely distributed over her trunk and limbs, after treatment for tonsillitis with sulphapyridine. Arsenicum album was prescribed but without any effect and a month later she was given Sulphapyridine 30c. The psoriasis cleared up completely and had not returned six years later. Many cases of this kind have been reported in the homeopathic literature in respect of a wide range of chemicals.15
Sometimes the child may be affected by drugs taken by the mother. In another case previously recorded, a boy of 14 years of age was said by his teachers to be intelligent but somehow “could not use his brain.” His mother had been taking pethidine during pregnancy on account of osteomyelitis. The boy was given Pethidine 30c and his ability to study shot up.16
Foubister quoted a case by Charles C. Bowes in which a potency of the chemical responsible for the illness was successful in curing:
A child of four years falling into short spells of unconsciousness, unable to control the flow of urine day or night, was absolutely cured by a dose of Terebinthinum 1M. The history of the case was that the child had drunk a lot of turpentine when eighteen months old and had gone from bad to worse ever since. She never had a fit after that dose and gradually but quickly got over the enuresis.17
The tautopathic method was used long before the 1950s when Everitt coined the term. The method of using a higher potency to antidote the same drug in a lower potency is really an example of tautopathy.
An interesting and little-understood phase of antidotal relationship is the power of a higher potency to modify the action of the same drug in a lower potency.18
The practice of “antidoting” the effects of drugs and homeopathic remedies has been an important part of the skills of every homeopath since Hahnemann’s time.
J. H. Clarke wrote:
It is often as important to be able to arrest a medicinal action as it is to start it. A prescriber who cannot antidote a drug effect is like the driver of a motor who cannot put on the brake.19
Most remedies under our materia medica list several other remedies and various crude substances such as vegetable acids, camphor, coffee, salt, etc., that could antidote its effects along with other remedies and crude substances that they themselves could antidote. The practice of antidoting the crude substances with a potency of a substance in case of poisoning or a sensitivity reaction was common knowledge, as the following quote shows:
Apparently, as usual, the crude poison is antidoted by its potencies, 200c, etc.20
So wrote Margaret Tyler. Tyler treated the effects of aluminum exposure with high potencies of Aluminum (A method not generally advisable. See Patel’s statements on the subject,21 and my own explanation.22) Tyler was fully aware of the dangers of aluminum cooking utensils, and reports on cases of poisoning from these utensils. A trip to any “big box” store today in North America will confirm how relevant her comments on the harm from aluminum pots are today. A large number of cooking utensils are still being made out of aluminum.
Even timelier are her comments on the adverse health effects people sensitive to “emanations of aluminum-plated radiators” experience, not so much because of the prevalence of these appliances today, but because the number of people with sensitivities to multiple chemicals, including out-gassing from common household appliances and products, has now reached epidemic proportions.23 Her insight into these sensitivities reflects an understanding of Hahnemann’s comments on dose and susceptibility during proving,24 and a grasp of the plight of victims susceptible to various modern artificial (environmental) disorders:
Effects of Sensitivities to Aluminium Emanations
Practical, anyway, this radiator! — light, bright, and gave out unusual heat. …Yet, after a bit the room did not feel good; one was glad to turn it off. Why? Aluminium pots were taboo; but the aluminium or aluminium plated radiator was not suspect. Next what was happening? A curious vertigo; one eye suddenly went out of focus, and one had to halt, at risk of falling; or when typing, one had to wait for normal vision… etc… At last it dawned! — perhaps aluminium symptoms? – and Materia Medica answered, “Yes” — soon confirmed by the fact that, the radiators savagely smashed, the trouble rapidly disappeared. And when a once-time nurse came to ask help because she was becoming paralysed, the symptoms she detailed were with curious exactitude those one had spotted as symptoms of aluminium emanations. Was she using one of those radiators? Well, the housemaid where she was nursing had been leaving one of these radiators on in her bedroom all day during this bitter weather.
…And so the poor soul departed reprieved and happy.
One yearns to say to many one meets, walking warily with the help of an umbrella, “Pardon me, but have you got one of those splendid aluminium radiators?”25
How lucky some are whose constitution is strong enough to throw off adverse effect. Others are not so lucky. I have referred to this unfortunate phenomenon in my article on the cancer diathesis.26 Homeopaths are experts on the effects of noxious substances, and they have to look no further than a materia medica for the information. The above quote also shows how a homeopath can often recognize by the symptoms when a substance in the patient’s environment has caused a disorder.
J. Compton Burnett, in a pamphlet on the interfering effects of anesthesia, related how he found that anesthetized patients who had been drugged with ether did not respond properly to homeopathic treatment. Not until he tried antidoting the effects of ether in potency did the indicated remedy act. I read his pamphlet decades ago and believe it is still in my possession, however, I am unable to locate it for a citation.
One could argue that Burnett could have used vinegar, the antidote listed under ether, but while vinegar is the proper antidote to the primary action of the drug which lasts perhaps a few hours, the potency of ether was considered the best antidote to the secondary action which could remain for weeks in some, and even longer in others.
In Burnett’s time, most classically trained homeopaths knew how to antidote a poisoning. While all medicine recognizes the primary action of a poison, only homeopathy distinguishes between an antidote for the primary and the secondary action of the toxin. A potency of the poison was often used to antidote its secondary action.
For more information on this distinction, I would like to refer to Hahnemann’s extensive explanations of the bi-phasal primary and secondary action of drugs in many aphorisms of the Organon.27 He had observed that the primary chemical action was opposed by a secondary action initiated by the dynamic vital regulatory system, which frequently produced opposite symptoms.
Samuel Lillienthal mentions the secondary antidotes in his chapter on poisoning:
For alkaline substances: 1) vinegar and water, in large quantities; 2) lemon-juice, or acids from other fruits, diluted with much water; 3) sour milk; 4) mucilaginous drinks, or injections. Vinegar is hurtful in cases of poisoning with barytes; but Epsom salt, dissolved in water, renders good service; afterwards: camphor or nitri spiritus dulcis. The secondary effects; of poisoning with potash require Coffea or Carbo vegetabilis, and those of poisoning with spirits of ammonia, Hepar sulphuris calcareum.28
A. Teste notes that the potentized drug antidotes the secondary effects of the crude drug:
It is worthy of remark, that the dynamized coffee, as I can affirm from long experience, prevents or neutralizes in many persons, the secondary effects of roast coffee. This would seem confirmatory of the idiopathic method of treatment.29
This distinction is important because when the potentized drug is used to counter the crude drug, so long as the patient is still under the influence of that drug, we can expect trouble.
Guernsey once proposed to antidote the effects of mercury with a high potency of Mercurius solubilis “if all symptoms agree,” a potentially dangerous endeavor, as experimental evidence has shown. In many cases where this has been tried there were severe adverse reactions, and new symptoms developed.30 This is likely related to the fact that the primary effects of mercury are still present, because physiological quantities of mercury remain in the tissues (see elsewhere in my writings and tutorials). Hahnemann antidoted mercury symptoms with crude doses of Hepar sulphuris calcareum.31
Clarke, in his Dictionary discusses the history and danger of Pasteur’s rabies vaccine and mentions that several cases had died after the vaccine. That these complications were real is confirmed as late as the 1967 Merck Manual, which cites that in as many as one in 2000 inoculations, the patient dies from a serious adverse reaction causing a syndrome reminiscent of and sometimes indistinguishable from rabies.32 Clarke proposed the use of a pharmacode made from the Pasteur rabies vaccine to counteract the effects of the vaccine in cases of serious neurological complications from the vaccine:
It would be well to have as an alternative preparation, Hydrophobinum pasteurianum, obtained from Pasteur’s vaccine, to meet conditions similar to these.33
A common antidote to the smallpox vaccine was Vaccininum. Homeopaths were well aware of the complaints some patients reported having ever since the inoculation. Thuja occidentalis and Malandrinum were additional antidotes for the dyscrasia induced by the smallpox vaccination. Malandrinum and Vaccininum have been used to counteract the effects of the small pox vaccine. A tautopathic case of Vaccininum:
Mrs. G. A. took one dose of DM (Swan), and a second dose on October 22nd. On October 29th, in morning, was taken with aching pains in back, worse in lumbar region, extending round waist. Tired all over, with stretching, gaping feeling; unnatural fatigue. Full feeling in head, with running at nose; severe headache in vertex. On morning of 29th and afternoon of 31st slight coldness, followed by fever; ditto between five and six P. M., November 2nd. Her rheumatic pains in wrists and hands have gone since taking the medicine. Vaccininum in potency also removed a chronic catarrh.34
Even serious conditions like cancer reportedly responded to the tautopathic method:
Miss R. 64. History: Vaccinated thrice in infancy; all failed. Right breast and cervical glands on both sides scirrhous. Marked general debility. Treatment unsuccessful for four years until above information elicited. Feb. 2. 1939. Thuja occidentalis. Temporary relief of pain. April 4. Variolinum. NO real benefit. May 29 and Aug. 13 Thuja occidentalis tried again. Very little help. Sept 18. Maland. Some improvement for one month only. Nov. 13. Vaccininum 200c (1), 1M. (1), 10M. (1), four-hourly. First month pain and nausea slightly decreased. Second month, intense aggravations, but patient better in herself. Third month, general improvement first fortnight. Then symptoms returning less severe. March 3, 1940. Repeated Vaccinin. 200 (1), 1M. (1) 10M. (1), 4-hourly. April 1. Aggravations less severe. On whole, better in herself. Whether this patient has the vitality to maintain progress or not is still problematical.35
Under Malandrinum we read:
According to Jenner, the origin of cow-pox, is infection of the udders of cows by contact with grass on which a horse infected with “Grease” has trodden. This assertion is to some extent confirmed by the experience of homeopaths, who have found in Malandrinum a very effectual protection against infection with small-pox and against vaccination. Straube made provings of the 30th potency (H. R., xv. 145; H. W., xxxv. 504). It has been used on inferential grounds with great success in ill effects of vaccination (I have cured with it cases of unhealthy, dry, rough skin remaining for years after vaccination); in small-pox, measles, and impetigo. Burnett has cured with it a case of knock-knee in a child who was constantly handling his penis.36
Reportedly some of the most brilliant homeopathic cures were tautopathic cures. Stuart Close describes two remarkable cases:
Case No. 1. A case of uremic coma, gangrene, and apparent death
A woman, age 45, previously healthy, had been ill for over two months — an illness of which I have never been able to form a very clear idea according to accepted pathological standards — partly because I could never get a clear or satisfactory previous history owing to the ignorance or inattention of the people concerned. Perhaps I was not as scrupulous in my investigation of the history of cases in the early days of my practice, when this case presented, as I subsequently became, and am now. And, besides, the interest of this case for me has never consisted so much in its pathology as in its psychology.
Roughly outlined, the case began as an eczema, affecting principally the lower extremities. In the beginning of treatment by her allopathic family physician, she did not appear to be seriously ill; but as treatment progressed she became more and more ill and weak, and finally was confined to her bed. From this time on there was a steady decline of weight and strength, of loss of interest in life, and of hope, until she became apathetic, and finally comatose. Urinary secretion had become more and more scanty until it ceased, and uremic coma came on. The treatment had been mostly topical — consisting of the application of various ointments and lotions for the eczematous areas, and, as I learned afterward, of the free use of Arsenic internally. In consequence the eczema had been suppressed, and the systemic symptoms developed.
For two days prior to my being called, she had been pronounced to be dying. On the day I was called the physician had called early in the morning and said that the end was very near. About noon he called again, and found her so nearly dead that he said she could not possibly live more than an hour, and that he would not call again.
At this juncture I was appealed to by her daughter, who had been a patient of mine, to come and see if I could do anything. I arrived about one o’clock in the afternoon. As I entered the room, I saw her lying on the bed surrounded by weeping relatives. Someone said: “It’s too late, doctor, she’s gone.”
At first glance it looked that way, but something impelled me to go to her and make an effort to save her. Paying no attention to the relatives, I made a rapid examination. Her limbs were cold and rigid, but the body was still warm. There was no radial pulse, and no visible respiration. With the unaided ear I could detect no heart-beat, but in my haste I had forgotten to bring my stethoscope. Her eyes were fixed, the lids slightly open, and her features had the expression of death. But the thought of death was not in my mind in spite of the evidence.
I drew down her lower lip and shook a few pellets of Arsenicum album 45M (Fincke) upon the exposed mucous membrane and rubbed her lips against the gum. Then, following a peculiar, but impelling impulse, I seated myself on the edge of the bed, placed my hands upon her head, and called her loudly by name. Addressing the insensible form, I said positively, “You are not going to die. You must come back.” I moved her head slightly from side to side, to loosen the rigidity of the neck muscles. Placing my thumbs on her upper eyelids, and pushing them upward so as to fully open her eyes, I bent down close to her, looking directly into the eyes, and addressed her again with reassuring words. I said, “I am going to help you move. You must try with me.” Several times I opened and closed her eyelids, and rotated her head. Then I said, “Now open your eyes.” There was a moment of hesitation, then the lids trembled and slowly opened. “Now close them.” She obeyed, and repeated the act twice at my command. Then I proceeded to move her stiffened arms and legs — flexing and extending them several times, and gently manipulating them. Next I moved her body, turning her from her back to one side and then the other, shifting her position in bed. During this time I was speaking to her occasionally in encouraging tones. After thus loosening up the rigid muscles, I resorted for a few moments to very gentle artificial respiration, directing her at the same time to try to breathe herself. After about ten or fifteen minutes of this work (I had very little sense of time) she was breathing regularly, color was coming back into her face and lips, and her hands were becoming warm. Presently she opened her eyes and looked at me as I bent over her, and whispered to me, “I’m coming back.”
In ten minutes more she was talking to me in an audible voice, asking me questions about herself and what had happened. I had continued gentle rubbing and massage of the extremities, under the bedclothes, but in order to act more efficiently, I now uncovered her feet, and to my amazement saw that the toes and plantar surface of the metatarsal region of both feet were gangrenous. Then I felt sure she had been dead! Here was local death, at any rate, plainly visible. But my patient was now plainly alive, and very much interested in what was going on. I had difficulty in keeping her quiet, and preventing her from talking. I directed that she be kept quiet, and that some warm broth be prepared and given to her, that warmth be applied to the feet and legs; and that Arsenicum album 200c in solution be given at intervals of two hours, until my next call.
In the evening I called again, and found her in a high fever, with flushed face, sparkling eyes, active delirium, recognizing no one, but talking continually in an excited manner, and very restless. Reaction had come on with a vengeance, but the symptoms spelled Belladonna, and salvation. For eight days the fever and delirium continued, but the urinary function was re-established, and a diarrhoea came on. The circulation became active, the gangrenous areas on the feet sloughed out, healthy granulations appeared, and healing progressed rapidly. On the ninth day the delirium left her. Her first intelligent words were a request that I be sent for at once. She had something to tell me which she would not reveal to her family. On my arrival she asked me how long she had been sick, and then said that she had sent for me to tell me her experience “while she was dead.” It was all clear in her mind now, and she wanted to tell me before she forgot it.
She said that after lying for several days unconscious of her surroundings, but “alive in her mind” her father and mother (who had been dead many years) came for her to take her away with them. She had left her body and was just about to leave the room with them when she heard me call her to come back. She felt that she could not disobey me, and regretfully left her father and mother and came back. The next she remembered was opening her eyes and seeing me, and talking to me. Then all became blank again, and she had no sense of time or surroundings until the present.
That was her story. She made an uneventful recovery, gradually regaining her strength until she finally resumed her ordinary round of life. She is alive today, a strong, healthy woman. That was over twenty years ago. I meet her occasionally, and she never fails to remind me of “the time when she died and I called her back.”
Was it a case of poisoning by Arsenic and other drugs? 37
Case No. 2. Collapse after operation
A man, 66 years of age, naval constructor, had suffered several years from what had been diagnosed and treated by a homoeopathic physician as cystitis with enlarged prostate. He came under my care during an acute exacerbation of his trouble, brought on by taking cold from getting wet. He was much weakened by his long chronic illness, and was in a grave condition when I first saw him. Urine could only be voided by catheterization. Urinary analysis and microscopical examination of the urinary sediment, taken in connection with the symptoms, suggested the existence of a vesical calculus. This was confirmed by the sound, as soon as the acute symptoms had subsided sufficiently under treatment, to permit its use. Rectal exploration did not reveal any extensive enlargement of the prostate. Operation was advised and accepted, and patient was removed to the hospital as soon as he was deemed strong enough. The supra-pubic operation was performed by Dr. John Hubley Schall and myself. A large, rather friable stone, of phosphatic composition, was found, partly embedded in the tissue surrounding the neck of the bladder, which was greatly thickened and indurated. Several small papillomatous growths were also found in the bladder. The stone, and the largest of the growths near the neck of the bladder were removed. The patient bore the operation well, and everything went well until the third day after the operation when the secretion of urine suddenly ceased, paresis of the intestines came on, the abdomen rapidly inflated, and the patient went into collapse.
While awaiting for my arrival the nurse, on her own responsibility, administered a copious hot saline enema and applied heat to the extremities. I found him in extremis; deathlike pallor and expression, pulseless, extremities cold, abdomen enormously distended and tympanitic, almost unconscious.
I was unable to account for the sudden collapse, and there was nothing in the symptoms absolutely characteristic of any one remedy. The ordinary collapse remedies, Camphora, Arsenicum album, Veratrum album, and Carbo vegetabilis ran through my mind, but I was unable to decide which, if any, was needed. I dared not make a random selection. A mistake would be fatal. I vainly questioned the nurse for more symptoms, until I bethought me of asking her, “What had the enema brought away from the bowels?” Her answer was illuminating. “The water, with a lot of ragged shreds and strings of white mucous.”
That completed the picture. Persons poisoned by Colchicum have presented identical symptoms. Colchicum 200c, in solution, every five minutes, brought about a reaction in about fifteen minutes; circulation was restored, flatus passed freely, consciousness returned, urine began to flow again, and the patient made a rapid and perfect recovery. I was glad that the nurse had given that enema, and noted what came away.38
Another remarkable cure with tautopathy by Chaffee:
I found him bleeding from the bitten finger, and from eyes, nose, ears, mouth, rectum and urethra; pulse 110, small, wiry; respiration 40; temperature 105; haggard expression; whole body bathed in hot perspiration; delirium.
This patient had had the regular routine treatment of whisky, quinine and carbonate ammonia for ninety-six hours, when the attendants withdrew and pronounced the case beyond the reach of medical aid. A marked characteristic symptom was a mouldy smell of breath, with scarlet red tongue, and difficult swallowing. Great sensitiveness of skin of right half of body, so much so that the slightest touch would produce twitching of muscles of that side. I prescribed Crotalus horridus, 30th trituration, 30 gr. in four ounces of water, a teaspoonful every hour, until my return visit, twenty-four hours later, when I found marked improvement.
Temperature normal; pulse full, soft and regular; delirium gone; saliva and urine slightly tinged with blood; appetite returning, he having asked for food for the first time since the accident. The medicine was continued for two more days, when recovery was practically complete. 39
Clark also mentions that the adverse effects of medical x-rays and radiation therapy were removed by X-ray and Radium bromatum:
Dieffenbach, who had been investigating Radium for ten years before he published his pamphlet, records that as a result of former X-ray and Radium-ray experiments one prover’s hands had, when the proving commenced, eczematous eruptions, cracks, scaly excrescences, and wart-like outcroppings. After his proving with 6x these gradually disappeared. This is confirmed by a case reported to me by Mr. E. S. Pierrepont.
A girl employed in the X-ray Department of the hospital with which he is connected developed dermatitis of the right hand and fingers. An ointment was prescribed without benefit, and cracks appeared on the skin. Two doses of Radium bromatum 30c were given, on Mr. Pierrepont’s suggestion, one in the morning and one in the evening. The following day the patient came out in a rash, which the matron mistook for measles, eyes watering, fingers very sore, and she felt very ill. By the following day the rash had disappeared and she felt well. The fingers were now better, and they got quite well, except that a sore feeling was left after washing.
A noticeable feature of both Dieffenbach’s proving and mine was the disappearance of small naevi, which is significant, seeing that the rays are used for the destruction of naevi. Among the most successful local uses of Radium may be mentioned cases of lupus, epithelioma, carcinoma of the cervix uteri, and urethral carbuncle. That radium, like x-rays, can cause as well as cure cancer is on record.
I have quoted a case (H. W., August 1923) in a practitioner who contracted squamous-celled carcinoma from a careless handling of Radium tubes. Cases of cure of skin cases with Radium in potencies are numerous. 40
Dewey reports on the use of the tautopathic method for the treatment of allergies. He cites Hahnemann’s awareness of the individual differences in sensitivity and susceptibility, that “all persons were not affected by a medicine in an equally great degree” during proving.41
Hahnemann had described “idiosyncrasies” that predisposed some to have serious hypersensitivity reactions to foods and plants even without exhibiting any other chronic illness:
Some persons are apt to faint from smell of roses and to fall into many other morbid and sometimes dangerous states from partaking of mussels, crabs, and fish roe, or from touching the leaves of some kinds of sumach. 42
Kent discussed how the susceptibility to drugs varied greatly between individuals — cases of dangerous congestion after opium in some patients, others developing “quininism” even from small doses of quinine.43
While Hahnemann did not describe a treatment other than homeopathic for these, homeopaths experimented with the tautopathic method by giving the allergen in potentized form, often with success. Dewey reports about homeopaths in the 1870s who treated food allergies with the potentized foods themselves, having results in both treatment and prevention, or many apparent cures of the specific sensitivity:
Dr. Samuel Swan, and Dr. Thomas Wildes of New York and Dr. P. P. Wells of Brooklyn and many others in the latter “seventies” reported many cases of supersensitiveness to various foods, among which was a case where common garden celery when eaten produced itching, changing locality frequently and other disagreeable symptoms. Apium graveolens (Celery) in a high potency removed the condition and permitted the patient to ever afterwards eat celery with no untoward effects.
People exist who cannot eat strawberries. These susceptible individuals suffer from urticarial rashes, sometimes difficulty in breathing as if a weight were on the chest. Potentized Fragaria vesica relieved at once. This was first advocated perhaps by Dr. W. P. Wesselhoeft of Boston and amply verified by Drs. Swan, and Wells. The writer used it successfully in a case having similar symptoms whenever strawberries, of which she was most fond, were eaten. Fragaria vesica in a high potency not only removed the condition, but so completely that the patient was ever after able to eat strawberries without symptoms for the remainder of her life, which ended some 30 years subsequent.
There are numerous cases of over susceptibility to Apis poisoning which is remedied by taking Apis mellifica in minimum doses. Bee keepers and those who handle bees are rendered immune, and do not mind or suffer from bee stings, nor do they produce swellings or edema when the person is thus immunized.”44
Apparently some patients recovered permanently from tautopathic treatment alone, and no additional treatment such as constitutional treatment is mentioned.
Dewey also acknowledged the use of constitutional treatment for allergies. He declared the action of the tautopathic medicine is simply homeopathic. He points out that many foods that can cause disease are in our material medica and have even been proven. I count 86 food remedies in Boericke alone.45
Dewey mentions several positive results:
In 1867 Adolf Lippe had a case of chronic poisoning by cane sugar (in other words a super sensitiveness to this substance). He removed it completely by Saccharum officinalis. (Hahn. Mo. Oct. 1867.)
A case of Quininism cured by Cinchona sulphuricum in high potency. (Organon Vol. iii p. 208.)
The susceptibility to parsley can be cured by Petroselinum 30c, says Dr. James W. Ward, one of our best and most careful observers.
Asthma from eating scallops cured by Pectin (Pectens jacobaeus), which in a high potency cured permanently.
Asthma due to susceptibility to the proteid substance in eggs, cured by repeated doses of Egg White. (Boericke’s Materia Medica p. 491).
I have personally cured many cases of hay fever due to the rag-weed by Ambrosia artemisiaefolia in potency. The pharmaceutical houses of today are making much capital out of the pollen extracts of the various hay fever producing plants.
The hypersensitiveness to Rhus poisoning has been removed many times by the use of Rhus toxicodendron, and why it does not relieve in all cases is simply owing to a difference in sensitiveness in different people and to the many varieties of the plant.
It has been clinically observed that allergic persons are less susceptible to contagious and infectious diseases. (Ward.) 46
Dewey did not see much of a difference between homeopathic cures and isopathic cures, or isopathic treatment for the prevention of infectious diseases, a subject he covers elsewhere in this book. Like many others, he felt that once all of these agents have been proven, it will become evident that the action of all isopathic treatment is simply homeopathic:
A study of epidemic remedies which physicians have often reported will be explained along similar paths, also constitutional remedies, and it will be found that SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR is the law of all curative medicine. 47
He was of the opinion that held that isopathic (and tautopathic) treatment was homeopathy, so long as it was done in potency – plain and simple. He quotes Swan:
Isopathy would give raw cucumbers to a person made sick by eating cucumbers and would make him worse. Homeopathy would give him Cucumis in a high potency and not only cure the patient but also enable him to eat cucumbers with no untoward symptoms. 48
This position avoided the controversy surrounding the tautopathic method. The real controversy was about the method of selection of the remedy, not the remedy’s action. This distinction was also made by J. Compton Burnett in his famous remark:
I maintain that choosing the remedies according to the totality of the symptoms is only one way of finding the right remedy; and, moreover, sometimes totally inadequate.
You may find the right remedy once in a way according to the old doctrine of signatures; and, even though so found, it acts homeopathically; the way of choosing is poor and crude, but it is a way.
You may find the right remedy by organ-testing after the manner of Paracelsus, and the remedy acts homeopathically although found that way.
You may find the right remedy purely hypothetically, after the manner of Von Grauvogl and Schüssler, the mode of action remains the same, i.e., homeopathic.
You may use dynamized salt — Natrum muriaticum — to cure marine cachexia, sea side neuralgia, sea-side headache, and the like, and still the action of the remedy is homeopathic. 49
Objections and Controversy
Many homeopaths frowned on the use of the isopathic (tautopathic) method. Some objected to prescription on the basis of the patient’s history or a cause. This method was to them a deviation from “homeopathic” selection on the basis of symptoms.
Others uttered philosophical objections on the distinction between similarity and identity:
Isopathy is not homeopathy; we must keep this distinction ever before us. Isopathy is identity; homoeopathy rests its whole case on the similarity, and in the degree of its perfection we may be sure of the results.50
One can’t help but wonder why the identical should not represent an increase in perfection over the mere similar, even representing the simillimum, as Hahnemann had observed.51
The controversy surrounding isopathy among homeopathic physicians was often directed at the use of potentized drugs to treat diseases, “by name” rather than by symptoms or “homeopathic” indications. They considered this approach an allopathic approach. Many of these physicians had left the allopathic school in favor of the homeopathic one and viewed as traitors anyone in their midst who defected back to allopathy.
The opponents of tautopathy launched tirades against those who looked into the isopathic innovations. Attacks were conducted ad hominem. They were naming names:
Gross, whose homeopathic career has been distinguished by a marked propensity for novelty-hunting, seems to have become at once deeply enamored of the isopathic theory.
He says the simile is not exactly the right thing, and that for some time he has been convinced that equalia equalibus or the isopathic principle is the correct one, and that similia similibus or the homeopathic principle is only a makeshift or indifferent apology for the other.52
Another verbal attack against a homeopathic colleague, the well-known veterinary Professor Wilhelm Lux:
On the appearance of this book of master Lux’s, Dr. Hering, the original suggester of the heresy, wrote a counterblast against poor Lux, and contended that in all these remedial means there was no question of a deviation from the homeopathic principle; that this was still homeopathy and not isopathy, and that the most that could be said was that the curative agent was a simillimum, but certainly not an equale or idem. He, like Hering, will not admit that the morbid product is an idem but only a simillimum, and therefore the practice with these remarkable medicaments is still homeopathy and not isopathy. 53
The very mention of the word isopathy incurred the wrath of some homeopaths. Yet despite all the rhetoric, the only adverse effects the detractors of tautopathy could cite from the method were political storms resulting among various homeopathic organizations and especially for individuals seeking recognition by the prestigious AIH Intercollegiate Council:
The gravest difficulties arose when Professors Pease and Sawyer promulgated the use of high potencies of a drug to antidote possible effects of crude drugging in the patient’s history. The empirical and routine use of nosodes, mercury, cigarette smoke, and even semen to antidote possible “drug miasms” invoked the wrath of the profession. Accusing the college of teaching ‘antidotalism’ and isopathy, a clandestine sub-committee, including Drs. Copeland and James C. Wood, denied Dunham recognition by the AIH Intercollegiate Council.54
Apparently there is nothing new under the sun. The attacks against homeopaths who dared to use remedies on causative rather than homeopathic indications sometimes took on religious overtones and outright defamation:
We have seen how the monstrous isopathic heresy for awhile seduced a number of the flighty minds amongst us, and more recently we have seen a crowd of respectable practitioners lending a willing ear to the vagaries of a lunatic horsetrainer.55
Some of this explains why those practitioners who had experimented with tautopathy and who had good reason to defend their brilliant results were often very cautious, even apologetic, in presenting their views.
Kent who opposed the method even tried to rationalize the apparent success of the tautopathic method with the claim that if it worked it must have been the patient’s constitutional remedy:
We have seen that Rhus cures the patient of his sensitiveness to Rhus as well long after as before he was poisoned by it. This is not Isopathy, as it was not Rhus that was cured, but the patient, and it was simply pointed out to the intelligent physician by the accidental poisoning wherein Rhus was pointed to as one of the medicines that he is sensitive to; it being fully understood that the patient is always highly sensitive to his needed medicine. This, therefore, is but a centering of a complex of symptoms in a homeopathic problem.56
For fear of being excommunicated by their peers, many homeopaths during the classical era would shun isopathy, let alone admit to have used the method in their practice, with few exceptions.
Stuart Close clarifies his views in response to a rhetorical attack on isopathy by Edmond Carlton:
Dr. Carleton is mistaken in his premise. Hahnemann does not condemn the use of Psorinum, nor of any other drug, from any source whatever, so long as its selection is based upon the Law of Similars, and it is given in potentiated form. He declares, in the paragraph quoted, that the Psorinum is not used on the isopathic principle, but because it is the simillimum. The action is based upon the homeopathic principle. When we recognize a group of symptoms as portraying and calling for the use of Arsenicum album, it is our duty to give Arsenicum album in potentiated form. It makes no difference whether arsenic in crude form has been given or not. But it may help us to a quicker solution of the problem to ascertain that as a matter of fact crude arsenic has been given.57
The paragraph in question in the above remark is, of course, the one we cited above from Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases. It has been cited in support of tautopathy (isopathy) for more than a century. According to Hahnemann, the “identical” (ταυτόν) when given in potency is no longer identical but the most similar thing to the substance causing the disorder. This means it should be the most homeopathic remedy – the simillimum. The paragraph reads as follows:
Thus potentized and modified also, the itch substance (Psorinum) when taken is no more an idem (same) with the crude original itch substance, but only a simillimum (thing most similar). For between idem and simillimum there is no intermediate for any one that can think; or in other words between idem and simile only simillimum can be intermediate. Isopathic and aequale are equivocal expressions, which if they should signify anything reliable can only signify simillimum, because they are not idem (tauton, as it is termed.)58
With the onset of industrialization that brought a massive increase in exposure to allopathic drugs, environmental poisons, radiation and other irritants, the need for the tautopathic methodology of antidoting these artificially induced disorders became increasingly apparent to homeopaths. Grimmer, a protégé of Kent wrote:
Many times unhappy and disappointing results follow a truly homeopathic prescription in these days of universal drugging, processed and adulterated foods, poisoned water supplies (chlorine, fluorine, etc.), polluted air (carbon dioxide and monoxide gases from automobile engines, poisonous and noxious wastes from manufacturing and chemical plants of all kinds, etc.), to say nothing of the latest menace to the inhabitants of the world from the atomic radiations that have already impregnated the atmosphere of the earth from the explosions of the atomic and hydrogen bombs set off by the United States and Soviet Russia.
In a general way the things just mentioned are among the hindrances to the action of the homeopathic remedy and are often difficult to control or antidote. In recent months in my practice I have found remedies like Phosphorus, Radium bromatum and X-ray in potency, more frequently indicated and very helpful in clearing the cases and paving the way for complimentary remedies that may be needed to complete the cure. It seems that rad iation influences are already at work.59
The problems of radiation, poisoned food and water, air pollution, car exhaust, hazardous waste, and universal drugging have gotten exponentially worse since Grimmer wrote these paragraphs.
Despite predictions that tautopathy would be a passing phenomenon, the method survived into the modern era. Apparently some homeopaths even take the tautopathic paradigm for granted: in one modern pathogenetic trial, the tautopathic method was used to test whether the remedy in question had been defective. The tautopathic treatment confirmed that the preparations were active:
Surprisingly, only very trivial symptoms were produced by the provers, even after making a renewed attempt by taking a fresh preparation. To rule out the possibility of a defective preparation and to reconfirm that the symptoms, produced by two of the victims, were definitely due to Parthenium, it was given in 6x and 30x to two of the victims on an isopathic basis. It was then observed that the symptoms of the victims started disappearing. Under the circumstances it was concluded that this particular drug was not producing more symptoms when taken orally, but was producing symptoms when an individual came in contact with the pollen and when the respiratory tract was affected by inhaling the pollen. When grading the symptoms, this particular phenomenon was kept in mind.60
It was not the purpose of this paper to examine in detail the reasons for the peculiar objections to tautopathy. Among the most persistent objection was the charge that tautopathy was not homeopathic, that it was a deviation from homeopathy, in outright opposition to Hahnemann’s viewpoint that the tautopathic potency was the simillimum.
Yet even in the modern era, we still encounter the same, almost habitual rejection and a priori bias against the isopathic/tautopathic method implied by the following discussion of a case of Agent Orange-induced lymphoma:
Have you had experience using isopathy in cases like this, or has anyone in the audience had a positive outcome with a case like this, involving a clear poisoning (diagnosed as Agent Orange-induced lymphoma)?
It’s an approach I think a lot of people use when they’re up against the wall, without a better approach. And sometimes it works. I’ve had some cases, involving the DPT vaccine for example. Others have used potentized penicillin, cortisone, and so on. The idea of using potentized Agent Orange did come up for me. But I’m very glad that I prescribed as I did. It’s not absolutely certain that Agent Orange caused the lymphoma. But the VA felt it was the causative agent. The man was massively exposed to it. He was cleaning out the vats every day and it was all over him….
It’s interesting that Ceanothus, which is a remedy that was introduced long before Agent Orange was even compounded, worked so beautifully for this case. To me, it means that we don’t need to resort to isopathy in most cases. The remedies that we have will work, even for these modern environmental toxicities.61
Why say, “resort to isopathy”? The evidence presented over one hundred years of use shows remarkable cures. It also shows that when tautopathy is used, the constitutional remedies work better because it removes an obstacle to cure. The obstacle in this case is the poisoning. The remedy most similar to the poison is the simillimum to the case at that time — the potentized poison. The evidence shows while the similis helps, the simillimum cures.
The record shows that classical homeopaths used tautopathy successfully to remove syndromes produced by drugs, chemical poisons, animal and plant poisons; allergic reactions; and even proving symptoms caused by homeopathic remedies. Some homeopaths used the method to remove the influence of drugs taken by the patient in the past, when this influence interfered with or prevented the use of regular constitutional treatment long after the drugs or poison had been discontinued.
The arguments against tautopathy were expressed with much rhetoric, but fell short on facts. Most seem to be mere repetitions of tired old clichés previously heard from others; some appear to be mere sophistry. Where original formal arguments were presented, they constituted a priori objections, without considering any evidence either against or in favor of any clinical merit of the tautopathic methodology. In all cases presented here and in many others reviewed but not presented, not one single objection could be found that made mention or presented any evidence of failures or lack of positive results, or of any harm or negative effects, from the tautopathic method.
The literature review found enough clinical evidence to consider tautopathy a serious potential adjunct treatment to homeopathy. In fact, this is what I have found in my own practice with my own tautopathic experimentation beginning around 1990. In some conditions, especially in the ever growing epidemic of environmental and food allergies, anaphylactic reactions, acute and chronic poisoning, adverse drug reactions and drug overdoses, insect stings, animal bites, chronic pharmacogenic disorders, radiation poisoning, radiation-induced injury, electrical injuries, including lightning injury, chemical and electrosensitivity, drug and alcohol addiction and abuse, and to counter environmental syndromes like microwave irradiation syndrome, tautopathy promises to be an important strategy alongside conventional homeopathic treatment.
I have additionally observed that aggravations during constitutional treatment from past influence of medications and toxins can be removed safely and rapidly with the tautopathic pharmacode. These aggravations can also be avoided altogether with tautopathic pretreatment.
Modern scientific studies have been conducted on the clinical results of tautopathy. It would undoubtedly be worthwhile to review the existing research and evidence from the modern era of homeopathy on tautopathy, and examine if the evidence corroborates the observations of the many homeopathic physicians and practitioners on the clinical efficacy of the tautopathic method.
Manfred Mueller, RSHom(NA), CCH, is a professional homeopath in private practice. He maintains a busy phone practice and active family life. He is the president of the North American Society of Homeopaths. He currently teaches advanced homeopathic theory. His tutorials are available on CD. He can be reached at [email protected]
1 Sankaran, Pichiah. The Elements of Homeopathy, Vol. 1 & 2, Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Bombay, 1996 1st Ed.
2 Dudley Wooton Everitt. Sue Young Histories, sueyounghistories.com.
3 Yasgur J. Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference, 4th Edition, Van Hoy Publishers, 1990-2004.
4 Mueller M. Homeopathic Immunization and Prevention of Infectious Disease, 1995-2010, Ebook, TheHomeopathicCollege.org.
5 The Compact Oxford Unabridged English Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England. 1992, 2014.
6 Hahnemann, CFS. Organon of Medicine, 6th edition, [German] Orginalmanuskript, Richard Haehl Herausg, Stuttgart, Germany. 1921, Aphorism 32-33.
7 Patel R. What is Tautopathy? 6th edition, Hahnemann Homoeopathic Pharmacy, reprint 1988.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Foubister DM. “The Significance of Past History in Homeopathic Prescribing,” British Homeopathic Journal. April 52(2).
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
18 Langbridge RH. ABC Of Homeopathy: An Anthology of Homeopathic Teaching, The Homoeopathic Publishing Company, London, 1950.
19 Clarke JH. Clinical Repertory, B. Jain Publishers, 2003.
20 Tyler ML. Homeopathic Drug Pictures, B. Jain Publishers, reprint 2003, P.35.
21 Patel R. What is Tautopathy? 6th edition, Hahnemann Homoeopathic Pharmacy, reprint 1988.
22 Mueller M. Principles of Antidoting, Tutorial CD, www.TheHomeopathicCollege.org, 2008.
23 Mueller M. Perceiving Disorders of the Twenty-First Century, Tutorial CD, www.TheHomeopathicCollege.org. 2008.
24 Hahnemann CFS. Organon of Medicine. 6th edition [German] Orginalmanuskript, Richard Haehl Herausg, Stuttgart, Germany, 1921, Aphorism 117:121.
25 Tyler M.L., Homeopathic Drug Pictures, B. Jain Publishers, reprint 2003, P. 40.
26 Mueller M. “The Cancer Diathesis,” The American Homeopath, Vol. 16, 2010.
27 Hahnemann CFS. Organon of Medicine, 6th edition [German] Orginalmanuskript, Richard Haehl Herausg, Stuttgart, Germany, 1921, Aphorisms 59:65:69 et al.
28 Lilienthal S. Homeopathic Therapeutics. B. Jain Publishers, reprint 1990.
29 Teste Alphonse, The Homeopathic Materia Medica, Rademacher & Sheek, Philadelphia, 1854.
30 Mueller M. Treating Modern Mercurialism, Tutorial CD, www.TheHomeopathicCollege.org, 2008.
31 Mueller M. Chronic Mercury Toxicity, Tutorial CD, www.TheHomeopathicCollege.org, 2010.
32 Mueller M. Homeopathic Immunizations and Prevention of Infectious Diseases, 1995-2010, Ebook, www.TheHomeopathicCollege.org.
33 Clarke JH. Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Hydrophobinum, B. Jain Publishers, reprint 1991.
34 Unknown. The Homeopathic Physician, Vaccininum, 1887 October 19, 7:5. Unknown. The Homeopathic Physician, Vaccininum,1887, October 19, 7:5.
35 Gordon C. Homeopathic Recorder, Xenembole, 1940, July, 55:7.
36 Clarke JH. Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Malandrinum, B. Jain Publishers, reprint 1991.
37 Close S. “Homeopathy in Terminal Conditions and Apparently Incurable Diseases: Is it sufficient?” Julian Winston archives: julianwinston.com/archives/articles/close_terminal.php.
38 Ibid.
39 Clarke JH. Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Crotalus horridus, B. Jain Publishers, Reprint 1991.
40 Ibid. Radium bromatum.
41 Dewey WA. Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics, Boericke & Tafel, 1901.
42 Hahnemann CFS. Organon of Medicine, 6th edition [German] Orginalmanuskript, Richard Haehl Herausg, Stuttgart, Germany, 1921, Aphorisms 117:121:132.
43 Dewey WA. Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics, Boericke & Tafel, 1901.
44 Ibid.
45 Boericke W. Materia Medica with Repertory, Boericke & Tafel, 9th Ed., 1927.
46 Dewey WA. Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics, Boericke & Tafel, 1901.
47 Ibid.
48 Ibid.
49 Burnett JC. Curability of Tumors by Medicines, Kessinger Publishing LLC, reprinted 2009, P. 15.
50 Roberts, HA. Principles and the Art of Cure, B Jain Publishers, reprint 1991 , Ch. X.
51 Hahnemann CFS. Chronic Diseases, B. Jain, New Delhi, 1990, P. 257.
52 Dudgeon RE. Lecture on the Theory and Practice of Homeopathy, B. Jain Publishers, reprint 1981.
53 Ibid.
54 Kent JT. The Dunham Lectures, Van Hoy Publishing, 1991.
55 Dudgeon RE. Lecture on the Theory and Practice of Homeopathy, B. Jain Publishers, reprint 1981.
56 Kent JT Lesser Writings, “The Healing Principle,” B. Jain Publishers, reprint 1991.
57 Close S. Hahnemannian Advocate, “What is the Law of Cure,” 1896, Vol. 35, Chicago, P. 10.
58 Hahnemann CFS. Chronic Diseases, B. Jain, New Delhi, 1990, P. 257.
59 Grimmer AH. Collected Works, edited Currim, A., Hahnemann International Institute for Homeopathic Documentation 1996
60 Vermuelen F. Synoptic Materia Medica, Ch. Parthenium. , Emryss, Netherlands, 3rd ed. 2003
61 Sommermann E. Proceedings of the 1992 Professional Case Conference (IFH), “Agent Orange-induced Lymphoma,” The Homeopath, Volume 13, Number 2. June, 1993. Page 76-81
Published with Permission from The American Homeopath, vol 17, 2011
Header Photo Credit: Homeopathyginatyler’s Blog
An interesting article. I too have found Tautopathy to be a useful approach in practice. Including for ailments arising as a result of hormone based contraception such as the insertion of the Merino Coil – I have many patients that appear to develop problems following fitting, including two suffering quite severe depression that remained after removal of the coil and was resistant to constitutional prescribing. In both cases Levonorgestrel in potency resolved the problems, permitting the constitutional to be used successfully thereafter.
It is a useful addition to our toolkit and an approach well worth bearing in mind.
thanks very much for this interesting review of isopathy , pharmacodes, etc. ! please do keep me on your mailing list. Sincerely,
Dear Dr. Mueller,
Thank you very much for this article. It was very enlightening.
Fabulous cases, Manfred!
Thanks for sharing.
Hello Dr. Mueller,
I read your thought provoking article about tautopathy with great interest. One question: why was the Colchicum in Dr. Close’s second case seen as a tautopathic prescription?
Thank you,
Anja Troje
Somehow this response was never posted!
Dr. Close recognized from the symptoms that Colchicum poisoning was the cause of the patient’s condition once he got the report from the nurse (ragged shreds of white mucus coming out from the enema). He promptly antidoted it with doses of Colchicum 200C.
Best, Manfred