In Awe and Appreciation
“I just attended a tutorial on “The Cancer Diathesis” by Manfred Mueller, RSHom (NA), CCH.
I have also been fortunate to have had the opportunity to study with him throughout this past year primarily on his system of Reverse Chronological Tautopathy.
I am sitting here in awe and appreciation, and mainly gratitude, for his spear-heading approach to a ravishing epidemic that we practitioners have on our hands of The Cancer Diathesis.
As vast as the task might seem to some practitioners, he continues to move forward with a ground breaking homeopathic approach.
My gratitude goes to him for the many people he has helped, and as a result of his heart felt contribution to homeopathy, will end up infinitely helping in the long run.
Thank you is hardly enough however I still wanted to say so…
Thank You Manfred for your heart, service and commitment.
The world is so much better and brighter because of You.
May you continue to be strong in your truth and voice.”
Deeply touched and blessed,
Theresa Laehn, C.P.H.T.
Michigan, USA