Nine Years Later, Post Polio Aggravation
Barbara, a 54 year old woman, called in a crisis. She had unbearable stabbing and piecing pain in both hips and had exhausted all her options. During her follow-up consult, she talked about seeing a doctor, going back on codeine and into a wheelchair, as she had been nine years ago. “There is a black cloud hanging over us,” she sighed. She saw no alternative.
Nine years ago, I had been consulted by her for post polio syndrome. Over time, using multiple daily remedies and many clearing remedies, we had successfully gotten her out of the wheelchair, off pain medications and moving freely with virtually no pain or discomfort. She had been suffering for more than 30 years at the time she consulted with me.
After this follow-up consult I told her I had to study the matter. In the mean time, she was to take MSG 30C (a homeopathic remedy made from potentized Monosodium Glutamate, a food additive that is a potent neurotoxin), followed an hour later by Bryonia alba 30C. That evening at 8PM, the phone rang. It was Donna, sounding all choked up. My voicemail recorded the following message:
“You did it again, Dr. Mueller. I took the MSG, and an hour later the Bryonia,” she said with a voice full of emotion. “I fell asleep, and woke up, and there was no piercing pain, no excruciating pain, nothing.” She choked up. “I am myself again. Thank you…” She could not go on, so strong was her emotion, and hung up.
If you are interested in the full video testimonial from Barbara of her cure from Post-Polio Syndrome, please click here.
Header Photo Credit: Post-Polio Health International
Tag:dose, msg, post polio syndrome
My uncle lived with post polio for 15 years before his death. He worked with Rotary International to eradicate polio world wide. Wish I had known this a year ago. Thanks for sharing the news.