The Mueller Method™: Digging Deeper Into Your Homeopathic Toolbox
By Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
The world has accelerated since the simple horse-and-buggy days of Hahnemann’s time, and so our approach to homeopathic treatment must become just as advanced and dynamic. With technological, scientific, and medical progress, the diseases and disorders we suffer from have become more complicated and more aggressive. Identifying and removing obstacles to cure, antidoting the secondary effects of past exposures, reversing multiple disorders simultaneously, understanding individualization of potency and dose, and treating the omnipresent predisposition to cancer are the tools you need to tackle nearly all of the cases that walk through your door. Your success rate will increase if you do. Healing will progress at a faster and more profound pace. Your attrition rate will decrease. And you will thrive in your practice. Imagine practicing homeopathy to its fullest extent, the way it was meant to be practiced. So let’s get started…
Why The Mueller Method™?
When I was first studying homeopathy, I learned the prevalent “one dose, wait, and watch” constitution-centered approach derived from James Tyler Kent. I routinely used high centesimal potencies going up to 100M in dry dose. And I practiced this way for the first few years. I had some good successes and I had some substantial failures. It was the failures that concerned me. I gradually realized that the homeopathy I was practicing, and that being taught by the best teachers of homeopathy, was not yielding the same level of clinical improvement as the cases published in homeopathic journals 100 years ago.
I delved deeper into the homeopathic literature, the older journals, and especially Hahnemann’s writings. I realized that homeopaths today were not applying our modern situation to some of the basic principles of healing that Hahnemann had developed 200 years ago. Neither were we incorporating many of the 6th edition Organon principles. And we failed to integrate these principles into our current practices and scientific understanding. We were not utilizing all the tools in our homeopathic toolbox!
I began to systematically experiment, integrating the old principles into today’s situations. I came up with a completely revised method of practicing Hahnemannian homeopathy. After 25 years of research and clinical validation, I am ready to present to you—The Mueller Method™—as this new approach has been affectionately dubbed by students. We have tried in this paper to portray, in very broad strokes, what this methods is all about.
Just a brief word: By the time of this publication, I will have already produced at least 22 tutorials covering, in detail, the different aspects of what I will be discussing in this paper. The titles of some of the tutorials will be listed, where applicable.
Drug Disorders
Homeopaths can learn from modern scientific research. For example, Gary Null has shown in several studies that in the United States, not cancer, not heart disease, but iatrogenic diseases ARE, by far, the number-one cause of death (Null et al 2011). Hahnemann saw this coming over 200 years ago. While he himself encountered mostly natural disorders, he saw that drugs were more powerful than natural diseases and could have more devastating effects.
“But artificial pathogenetic forces we call drugs are quite a different matter. Every drug can at all times, and in all cases, affect every living being and bring about its specific effects in him, even clearly perceptible ones if the dose is large enough. It follows that every living organism can at all times, and without exception, be affected—as it were, infected—by a drug disorder. As I have said, this is not at all the case with natural diseases.”§32, Organon, 6th Ed., M. Mueller’s translation (from his “Concise Organon”, not published as of 2019)
Hahnemann saw that every drug, even after only one dose had been taken, left a footprint in the individual’s health that didn’t stop once the drug left the individual’s system. This means that our modern medical system with its pharmaceutical drugs, surgeries, vaccines, medical procedures, and massive diagnostic imaging are doing us in fast! They are the number-one cause of death today and the most common cause of chronic disorders. Even in his time Hahnemann was pessimistic as to their cure:
“The ruination of human health by the allopathic non-healing art [more particularly in recent times] are, of all chronic diseases, the most deplorable and the most incurable. I regret to add that when they have reached any considerable severity it is probably impossible to find or discover any methods for their cure.” §75, Organon, 6th Ed., M. Mueller’s translation
What Happens When You Don’t Remove the Cause(s)
Have you ever had a situation where you knew the remedy but after taking it, the patient did not improve? Manfred once did with a case of a thirty-something year old woman named Shelly with eczema all over her body. Shelly was worse from heat, had flaking of skin with itching and scratching until her skin bled. Every time she took the remedy Sulphur, she had a massive aggravation of symptoms and yet never saw improvement. She finally had to discontinue treatment.
This and several other cases hammered home what happens when you don’t remove the cause. Removing the cause(s) is such a basic clinical principle that Hahnemann put it into the first several Aphorisms of his Organon. (§ 2-7). Upon taking a more careful case, an important fact in Shelly’s environment was uncovered. She was exposed to sulphur on a daily basis from the water in her well. She drank, cooked with, and bathed in sulphur-tainted water.
Before you can treat for the effects of a cause(s), you first need to remove the cause(s). It’s that simple. Once Shelly moved from her home to a place with no detectable sulphur in the water, a total and permanent cure of her eczema took place using…Sulphur, in ascending Q potencies for the next 8 months. But we’re jumping the gun. This gets us to Tool number one.
In each case we take, we need to discover sustaining causes. The easy way to do this is by educating ourselves on some of the most prevalent causes of disease. In this summary, we’ll focus on two very important, but often overlooked, causes of chronic disorders today to underscore our point—the heavy metal mercury and pulsed high frequency microwave radiation used in telecommunications, including some interactions between the two. In the tutorial called “Perceiving Disorders of the 21st Century, Part 1,” Manfred further goes into ways to identify prevalent causes of modern disorders.
Mercury—The Insidious Poison
Have you ever had patients with pains and restlessness in the legs that start after sundown and last till dawn? Have you seen patients who grind their teeth and drool at night? Do you have patients who are so sensitive in their mouths they cannot eat certain textures of foods or swallow pills? Have you worked with children who act crazy, pulling other children’s hair or noses? Have you treated people with recurrent yeast or other infections or seen people with homicidal and suicidal thoughts when looking at cutting utensils? There are so many more symptoms (see the tutorials “Modern Mercurialism – Treatment, Part 1” and “Modern Mercurialism – Chronic Toxicity, Part 2”), but if you answered “yes” to any of these, then you have seen patients poisoned by mercury.
How Can You Be Poisoned By Mercury?
Mercury is installed into your mouth in “silver” dental amalgam fillings; it’s injected in the form of the preservative thimerosal in vaccines; it is a common ingredient of medical drugs, cosmetics, skin products, hair dyes; it contaminates foods (mostly fish and seafood); and it is a waste product from many industries—especially the electronics industry—that pump it or dump it right into our air, soil, and groundwater. By the way, the industry most responsible for environmental contamination with mercury is…the dental industry! Most importantly, it is passed through the placenta and through the breast milk. Everyone who lives in industrialized society has some level of mercury in their system.
There is no minimum safe dose of mercury. Some are more susceptible to its effects than others—these are the ones also more susceptible to cancer, the 90% of our society with the cancer diathesis. Those with the cancer diathesis—that is, most patients, now also have a hereditary weakness in metabolizing toxins, especially mercury. For example, Fritz Vimy and Murray Lorscheider did numerous studies that show mercury invades the vital organs and the nervous system within two weeks of placing even just a single dental amalgam filling. (Vimy/Lorscheider 1994). Even if you’ve had your amalgam fillings replaced, without years of active detoxification that mercury will still be in your system twenty years later. Once in the body, mercury attacks every organ and every system.
Mercury removal is vitally important when you treat chronic disorders. Mercury is a causative factor in many chronic disorders. A permanent cure is impossible so long as this insidious poison sustains a disorder. In the above-mentioned tutorials Manfred also discusses the mechanisms by which the body holds onto chronic infections as a self-protective mechanism to prevent cell death (and organism death!) from this insidious poison. Before you treat another person for candida or consider the use of an “anti-fungal” drug, we highly recommend that you take those tutorials.
Microwave Radiation – No Place to Hide
Have you seen more and more people in the prime of their lives suffering from memory loss (even minor problems), lack of comprehension, or early signs of dementia? Have you seen young people in their twenties who are losing their hair? Have you heard of folks in their 30s and 40s who have had a stroke? Are you seeing more and more patients complain of tiredness and fatigue? Have you seen glaucoma and cataracts develop in patients before middle age? Have you worked with families of children with brain tumors? If you haven’t yet, you will soon.
In modern societies everyone is now continuously exposed to “death rays”—pulsed high frequency microwave radiation from cell phones, cordless phones, cell towers, smart meters, and wireless telecommunication devices, including satellites, etc. The ubiquitous exposure to these pervasive frequencies is silent and invisible, and it causes serious harm sooner or later. Its effects are not to be ignored.
The studies are out there. Unfortunately, research on microwaves used in telecommunication has a media-black-out in the U.S., meaning people won’t find out about it through the mainstream media. It is up to you to research it and educate yourself and your clients. A good place to start is with Amy Worthington’s articles “Generation X-ray” and “Generation X-ed Out.” Also we have a tutorial on this very subject called “Microwave Irradiation Syndrome.”
One tip: removing all wireless technology from your immediate environment will go a long way towards improving your health! Oh, and, remember to use the tautopathic (homeopathic potencies made from the offending substance) antidotes to finish clearing the disorder that these forces have created!
The Interaction of Mercury and Microwaves
Mercury is a highly conductive liquid metal, hence its use in semiconductor switches and electronic devices. Thus, when the body is exposed to microwave and radiofrequency radiation, the mercury in it will act as an antenna and amplify the radiation. In our practice, those suffering from electrical hypersensitivity are always found to have large amounts of mercury in their systems.
The 19th-century British homeopath John Henry Clarke knew about this. Here is a quotation from his Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica under the remedy Mercurius solubilis:
“…it turns those who are under its influence into weather-glasses and thermometers likewise. An electrician, who at one time was required to work with his hands frequently in a trough filled with quicksilver, thereafter could not bear the slightest shock of electricity, though before he could stand very strong ones.”
Clarke’s observation is one of the first descriptions of the state of electromagnetic hypersensitivity! To learn more on the subjects of mercury and microwave radiation, we have three tutorials: “Modern Mercurialism – Treating, Part 1,” “Modern Mercurialism – Toxicity, Part 2” and “Microwave Irradiation Syndrome.”
After eliminating the causes, you begin to treat the effects and this brings us to Tool number two.
Coming back to Shelly’s eczema case, we see that this was actually a tautopathic use of the potentized Sulphur to antidote the effects of the sulphur in her well-water. How do we know that Sulphur was the tautopathic prescription (even though it perfectly matched her symptoms)? Because Shelly had no prior history of eczema before living at the house with the sulphur in the well.
Tautopathy is treatment using a potentized substance or agent that caused the disease. It comes from the Greek word “tauton,” which means “identical,” and “-pathy,” which means “suffering.” In the last paragraph of the theoretical part of the book Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann says the potentized agent that causes the disease is the Simillimum. This is justification for this method of treatment, and many other homeopaths have agreed. As Manfred has shown in a recent paper, tautopathy was used systematically by many classical era homeopaths (The Practice of Tautopathy During the Classical Era of Homeopathy: A Review of the Literature, American Homeopath, Vol 17, 2011).
In practical terms, this means we can use the potency of any toxin, drug, or any type of radiation, etc. to counteract the secondary effects of the respective pathogenic agent. That fact this works is supported by modern experimental studies. We give credit to Hahnemann for the brilliant insight into how to antidote artificial disorders:
“Not long ago, doctors tried to remove these hurtful substances (commercial and pharmaceutical poisons producing injuries and diseases), by emetics, diluent drinks or purgatives, often with very unhappy results. They operated under the erroneous assumption that these drugs oppressed the stomach and bowels in a primary mechanical fashion.
In reality, they changed the whole system in a peculiar, to us still unknown, manner. Their effects can never be cured like mere local mechanical irritations, as was formerly imagined. However, we now know how to combat many of these drug-induced disorders. The secondary action of poisonous drugs brings about diseases of a DYNAMIC nature. This class of diseases must be counteracted by their appropriate DYNAMIC antidotes.” From Lesser Writings, translation by M. Mueller
More than 200 years ago Hahnemann saw that the secondary effects that develop as a result of drugs and other poisons are a derangement in the biomagnetic regulatory system—the vital force. This derangement is the energetic drug disease. The most likely way to resolve it is by “antidoting” it with a potentized energetic remedy, i.e. the tautopathic “pharmacode.” We use the term pharmacode to distinguish this type of remedy from a nosode. Pharmacode (fr. Gr. Pharmakon) means a remedy “prepared from a poison, medical drug, radiation or other injurious agent.”
Antidoting the Secondary Effects
As we have seen in Lesser Writings, Hahnemann advocated that we antidote the dynamic or secondary residual effects of drugs; in other words, antidote the source of drugs’ long-term effects. The secondary action of a drug is actually the defensive or adaptive response produced by the body to the drug/toxin/agent. This dynamic (energetic) drug disorder can last years, long after the drug has been discontinued. This is especially so if it is suppressed or interfered with by a new drug or other force (e.g. radiation, magnets, emotions, etc). Long-term drug effects are the true chronic iatrogenic disorders of our modern times. Side effects, including secondary effects, can be induced by a single dose of a suppressive drug in susceptible individuals. And we’ve all seen hundreds of cases like this, whether we knew it or not.
To antidote the long-term dynamic effects, or secondary effects, of these harmful exposures, use the tautopathic pharmacode, as referred to in our tutorials. However, be forewarned that the avalanche of health effects created by even one dose of a drug can require not only the tautopathic pharmacode, but years of skilled long-term homeopathic treatment. It is often the most susceptible individuals who see the worst outcomes from conventional treatment, and it is us homeopaths who are asked to pick up the pieces. The dozens of Cipro (Ciprofloxin) or Levoquin reaction cases that have come through our practice in recent years can attest to that fact.
Antidoting the Primary Effects
Again, we’ll look at Shelly’s case. We could not antidote the sulphur from the well-water with potentized Sulphur to resolve her eczema because the aggravating cause, the sulphur from the well-water, was still influencing her body and causing its primary effects since she was still using the water daily. This is an important principle: While a physiological cause, i.e. crude drug, toxin or radiation, is still directly influencing the organism and while it is still present in the body, we are dealing with its primary effects.
For another example, after studying the effects of mercury during a third-year homeopathic class, one of Manfred’s students surmised that Mercury had to be the best antidote to her own mercury symptoms, since it matched them exactly. Without first checking with him, she took Mercurius solubilis in a 1M potency. She developed a terrible “tettery” rash all over her body lasting more than a year—a well-known mercury symptom. Why did this happen? Because she had mercury in her system. The mercury acted as an obstacle to cure. So much for giving the simillimum in high potency while the body is still under the influence of the primary effect of a pathogenic agent.
In a case where the simillimum is the same remedy as the substance poisoning the person, a better solution is to use a homeopathic antidote and not a tautopathic pharmacode. For instance, this student could have taken crude Hepar sulphuris calcareum as Hahnemann used for this purpose. Since this is not easily available, repeated doses of Hepar sulphuris in very low decimal potency, i.e. 2X or 3X all the way up to the 12X, can be very helpful to counteract symptoms of mercury poisoning. As a note of interest, there are 125 remedies listed under the rubric “INTOXICATION, after mercury” in the Complete Repertory. We routinely use many of these; however, Hepar sulphuris is bar none the best and most commonly used mercury antidote…in the 2-12X potencies. As a general rule, while the primary effects are still present, a specific homeopathic antidote is preferable to the tautopathic antidote. For further information, please see our tutorial “Principles of Antidoting.”
In the case of mercury poisoning, Hepar sulphuris can only palliate symptoms. In order to remove the sustaining cause—the mercury itself—from the body, a professional scientific detoxification protocol should be instituted. In our tutorials on mercury, you can learn about a simple and effective heavy metal detox protocol to permanently remove this terrible poison.
To antidote the primary effects of toxins and drugs, in addition to homeopathic remedies, specific physiological antidotes are used, such as vinegar for the effects of ether, or coffee for the effects of narcotics. Modern methods of chemical buffering are also available to absorb or neutralize poisons. There are many useful tips that are practical and easy to employ on how to counteract the primary effects of drugs and toxins listed in our homeopathic literature. An indispensable resource of antidotes for poisons is Samuel Lilienthal’s Homeopathic Therapeutics, where Lilienthal gives instructions on how to antidote physiologically and homeopathically the primary action of various poisons, and how to safely remove the poison from the organism. One of our favorite examples is the use of white flour, egg white, and sugar to absorb and remove mercury from the digestive tract. Also, you may find suggestions under the rubric “Antidoted by” in Frans Vermeulen’s Concordant Materia Medica under the sections “Relations.” Robin Murphy lists a toxicity rubric in his repertory. And finally, you may look up “Intoxication” under “Generalities” in the Complete Repertory.
To sum up:
1) First we should remove the toxin from the body using appropriate methods.
2) Then to antidote the primary effects of drugs/poisons, we can use the
a) physiological antidotes, or
b) homeopathic antidotes, preferably in a crude or low decimal potency, but not always!
3) And to antidote the secondary effects of drug/poisons, we can use the
a) tautopathic pharmacode (or potency of the poison), or
b) homeopathic antidote in high potency.
See also our tutorial “Principles of Antidoting”
Timing Matters for the Reversal of Chronic Disorders
Suppose you decided to use Thuja to antidote a childhood vaccine. To your surprise, rather than getting better, the young patient gets worse. What’s happening here is the child was given Tylenol to counteract the adverse reaction caused by the vaccine thus creating an obstacle to cure, a separate disorder from the vaccine disorder. So by giving Tylenol 30C to remove the obstacle to cure first, then following up with the suitable vaccine antidote you can avoid the aggravation and quickly affect a cure. Provided, of course, that Thuja is the true simillimum to the vaccine reaction, which is rare! Instead, more likely, the suitable antidote is the potentized pharmacode of the vaccine, i.e. DTaP.
Here’s another example of a little girl with asthma. She was clingy, whiny, and anxious, and felt better in open air. Clearly a Pulsatilla case, yet Pulsatilla did nothing! We antidoted the albuterol inhaler that she had previously been given by giving Albuterol 30C, then repeated the Pulsatilla. The attack promptly stopped!
“The correct method is to prescribe for the present conditions, bearing in mind as especially important the latest symptoms that have arisen; then to follow the case backward step by step, removing the ailments in the reverse order of their first appearance. Finally, the constitutional remedy becomes clearly indicated, and it will complete the cure gently and safely.” Erastus E. Case, Some Clinical Experiences of Erastus E Case MD
This case from Manfred’s practice is an excellent example of how layers upon layers of iatrogenic disease exist in a patient and how we can use a few additional homeopathic tools to solve this. During the history taking he elicited the following:
· Dolly, a 55-year-old female, had hot flashes. Her OB-GYN prescribed Premarin (conjugated estrogen).
· The next year, she developed hypertension. Her general practitioner prescribed Atenolol.
· Six months later, an arrhythmia developed and a cardiologist prescribed Cardizem for her new heart condition.
· Within 8 months, she became clinically depressed and could hardly make it through the day. A psychiatrist prescribed Zoloft for her “latent” psychiatric problem.
· When the panic attacks began 4 weeks later, the psychiatrist added Paxil to the mix.
Iatrogenesis at work! At this point, she had had enough and sought out Mueller’s services—a referral from a friend. While the details and reactions may vary, this scenario is sadly all too typical.
Investigating Drug Side Effects
There are several ways to learn about the side effects of drugs, and it’s best to use a combination of them:
– Use a search engine, type in the drug name and the term “side effects” or “health effects.”
– Buy your own copy of the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) book or disk. They are easily and cheaply available at used bookstores, etc.
– Use websites like drugs.com, rxlist.com, and many others.
Note: Most drugs have numerous names. Sometimes you will have to do a little digging. Or, you may want to shoot The Homeopathic College a quick email. We’ve already done the research on many of these drugs. We have more than 600 pharmacodes in our private pharmacy.
How to Reverse Dolly’s Chronic Complaints
Dolly’s multiple drug disorders were reversed in accordance with the chronology rule, as we saw in Case’s quote above. This chronology rule is also found in Hering’s Law: begin with the most recent first, and remove the oldest disorder last. In Dolly’s case, Manfred started with the removal of the most recent drug—Paxil, and cleared for its effects using a 30C potency in split dose. He continued in a reverse order until each drug had been removed and antidoted. We call this process “Reverse Chronological Tautopathy” (RCT for short). However, with clients, we call them “clearing remedies.”
In the end, what was left was only Dolly’s underlying hormonal imbalance. Concurrently to the drug clearing, Manfred started her on daily doses of ascending liquid Q-potencies of Natrum muriaticum each morning, beginning with the 1Q potency. For the next two months, while still on the Natrum muriaticum, he systematically—always going back in time—antidoted her previous medications, even x-rays, MRI’s, and vaccines. Last, he added Carcinosinum in ascending Q-potencies before bedtime, also beginning with the 1Q potency, in alternation with her Natrum muriaticum, to address the inherited (constitutional) state she was born with—the cancer diathesis. In 18 months, she was a new woman. This is how we routinely reverse patient’s iatrogenic disorders.
Why Reverse Drug Layers First?
If Manfred had given Dolly a constitutional remedy such as Carcinosinum in a high potency after the first appointment, perhaps nothing would have happened, or perhaps she could have ended up in the ER or worse, the ICU. In cases where a latent disorder is present such as cancer, a high centesimal potency of the cancer nosode could have adverse effects. Kent talks about this problem in reference to the use of Tuberculinum in advanced tuberculosis cases, and warns that such high potencies of the nosode could precipitate the demise of the patient. That would not be a gentle and rapid cure, as Hahnemann postulates in the first Aphorism of the Organon! We know firsthand of several other examples where intense aggravations have happened, and some have been mentioned in our tutorials.
Why does this happen? Because a constitutionally prescribed remedy is too DISSIMILAR (and very often suppressive) to the present acquired drug disorder(s), which is more recent than the inherited constitutional problems you are trying to reach. In most of those cases where serious aggravations occurred, a 200C potency or higher was given. These constitutional remedies reach very deep into the vital force stirring up multiple layers all at once without providing the boost it needs. They aggravate the whole patient because they try to rally the entire vital force for a fight it isn’t ready for. Manfred calls this method the “sledge-hammer approach.” And a sledge-hammer can do a lot of damage.
What We Learn From These Examples
When we clear the secondary effects of multiple drugs/poisons, the patient’s health improves. We need to do this in reverse order, with the most recent drug first, followed by the second most recent, etc. With each clearing they gain back a piece of the vital force that was invested in the drug disorder. Again, keep in mind that drugs can only be cleared after they have been discontinued. In following this rule of chronological reversal, you can avoid many aggravations.
For more information on a systematic approach of clearing all effects of artificial disorders in a patient’s history with their respective pharmacodes, we refer you to the tutorial on “Reverse Chronological Tautopathy, Part 1” and its follow up “Reverse Chronological Tautopathy: Part 2 Treating Iatrogenic Disorders.”
Please note: prescription drugs should be discontinued with the cooperation of the prescribing physician. For information on how to treat patients on multiple medications, please see one of our latest tutorials called “Treating People on Multiple Medications – Theory” (there will be a second part covering more details on the practicum and cases).
People come with this story all the time. “After years of treatment, I have not seen sufficient improvement from well-chosen remedies by well-known homeopaths.” The answers to this are Tools number four and five: Potency and Dose. Hahnemann carefully differentiated between potency and dose.
– Potency is determined by the number of succussions.
– Dose is the amount administered of a given potency.
On Centesimal Potencies
Here are Manfred’s guidelines:
– Centesimal (Organon, 4th edition) potencies are limited in their effects; anything above 30C is harmful, and in repetition, will aggravate or harm sooner or later.
– They are quick acting and short lasting, making them suitable, even ideal, for acute treatment.
– Dry doses should not be repeated.
– When plussed in water, C-potencies may be repeated with caution.
– The higher centesimal potencies (above 200) can cause serious aggravations. We rarely use them (the one exception being serious acute situations, i.e. anaphylaxis, shock, etc.).
Benefits of Q-Potencies
For many reasons, the use of the Q-potencies has become a vital part of The Mueller Method™. But first, a little on the special properties of the Q-potencies. Hahnemann saw the need for repetition of the dose in chronic disorders. However, there was one problem. The centesimal potencies could not be repeated with impunity. And they were too harsh and short-lived in their effect. Q-potencies (commonly called LM, which is a misnomer) are the ideal potencies according to Hahnemann. They are very versatile. Q-potencies are:
– Deep acting and long lasting.
– Repeatable as needed; their effect lasting a day per dose.
– Easily alternated with more than one remedy at a time during the course of a day, so long as they are compatible and have no inimical effects on each other.
How they are administered:
– Q-potencies are given plussed in water (2-3 succussions only). *We routinely use all our remedies in water, succussing between doses. This method of delivery allows us to vary the dose for those too sensitive to take a drop dose, thus helping us to avoid unnecessary aggravations.
– You move to the next potency after 10 doses or 10 days, whichever is first.
– You can dose daily or as needed, depending on the situation/sensitivity.
– You can go up in potency indefinitely.
The use of Q-potencies is especially important when giving deep-acting remedies, the so-called polycrests, for multiple chronic disorders. Q-potencies are vital to accelerating the healing process by addressing more than one disorder concomitantly. You can also easily skip a few days of remedies to treat any acute condition that may arise, and then resume treatment once the acute condition is finished. In fact, you can even continue the daily Q-potency remedies AND treat for the acute at the same time. For example, say your client breaks his leg during treatment. He would continue on his daily remedies, but add, say, daily doses of Symphytum in Q potencies in alternation with any as needed remedies for pain. And don’t forget to antidote the X-ray he got in the ER before resuming chronic treatment!
Accelerated healing is possible with The Mueller Method™. Keep repeating this to yourselves! Safe healing is possible with The Mueller Method™, keeping in line with Hahnemann’s principles of “the most rapid, the safest and the most permanent cure” and on easily comprehensible principles. There is more to say on the selection of potency and dose than we can cover in this paper. For more information, please see the tutorials “Advanced Posology,” “Aggravations: Is the Healing Crisis Desirable or Necessary,” and “Q-potencies: A Steady Drop Hollows the Stone.”
Have you come across patients who react to every dose of every remedy they take, as if proving the remedy, not only having a worsening of their existing symptoms but developing new symptoms that you recognize belong to the remedy? Hahnemann has left us with our next tool: the Dose. Due to the increasing prevalence of the cancer diathesis, the constant irritation from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and many other factors which are aggravating the sensitivity of our patients, the dose will become more and more of an issue in everyone’s practices. One solution is individualization of the dose. Everyone needs the dose most beneficial to them. Hahnemann mentions dose in §270 and subsequent Aphorisms in the context of adjusting the dose to the sensitive patient. To understand more on how to assess the individual sensitivity, please see the tutorial “The Sensitive Patient.”
We don’t use dry pellet doses unless in an emergency situation where the remedy is not already freshly mixed in water/alcohol (within 2-3 months maximum due to effects of EMF exposure). The next dose of the same potency is always given in liquid. When you give a remedy in water, here is a breakdown from the strongest way to administer to weakest one:
1. Drop dose – either sublingually, in the mouth, or on the skin (haptic; transdermal).
2. Olfactory dose (sniff dose).
3. Dosage cups (a serial dilution, then taken olfactory).
Have you seen clients that present with four or more chronic disorders or syndromes that are completely unrelated to each other or are caused by different factors? You hate to ask them to choose which one is the most pressing or annoying as you know they are all serious and in need of treatment. Instead of doing this, address all of the disorders at the same time by alternating remedies that cover the totality of symptoms of all their disorders. You may think that this can’t be done. Recall the case of Dolly mentioned earlier.
You can spend a lot of time studying every new remedy that is proven, repertorizing for hours and trying to find the one remedy that will cover all the symptoms of the patient’s multiple conditions… Or you can cover all four conditions with more than one remedy—each remedy the simillimum to one condition. By doing so you accelerate the healing process and improve the patient’s satisfaction by addressing all concerns. And from Manfred’s experience, you rarely need to use remedies other than the polycrests, even in the most serious of conditions. The tool of alternating remedies speeds up the recovery and deepens your level of cure.
The alternation of daily remedies is not polypharmacy, since polypharmacy is the mixing of multiple substances or remedies into one concoction and into one dose. Allopathic medicine makes use of this practice every day. Hahnemann practiced alternation of remedies when two or more natural disorders coexisted in the same individual at the same time. In which case, he would alternate, say, a “psoric” with a “syphilitic” remedy to cover both disorders. The Q-potency scale lends itself to the alternation of remedies quite beautifully, without sacrificing efficacy (i.e. such as by antidoting the effects of one remedy by taking the second one). When the dose is repeated every day, the effect of the remedy is renewed each day. This is what we call “extra-strength homeopathic prescribing!”
It is not stretching it to say that more than 90% of today’s patients suffer from the cancer diathesis or the “predisposition to cancer.” It’s a wake-up call to the reality of our ever toxic and carcinogenic environments, especially in industrialized societies. Those born with the cancer predisposition also have an INCREASED susceptibility to influences of all kinds–physical and emotional—not just to cancer. They are more sensitive than others in all areas. On the other hand, some of them will have no noticeable reactions at all until they are hit with the dreaded “CANCER” diagnosis. However, 100% of the sensitive patients show the predisposition to cancer, even though their sensitivity levels vary vastly.
Opposing Symptoms
One of the tricky problems with identifying the predisposition to cancer is that it is full of opposing symptoms. Here are some of the more common ones:
– Hypersensitivity vs. lack of sensitivity.
– Prone to infections vs. rarely, if ever, sick.
– Adventurous eater vs. picky eater; eats only a few foods.
– Promiscuity vs. aversion to sex, or aversion to members of the opposite sex.
– Extroverted vs. introverted personalities.
– Early development & onset of puberty vs. lack of development, i.e. an adult with childish emotions; childish features.
– Rebellion vs. conformity.
Because of its prevalence, we homeopaths should learn to identify and remove this pariah to our health. The best remedy to accomplish this is Carcinosinum in daily doses of ascending Q-potencies. This is given in alternation with other indicated remedies. Carcinosinum shouldn’t be added until extensive clearing (RCT) for suppressive treatments, vaccines and other causative agents has been finished. Otherwise, those pesky iatrogenic disorders or obstacles to cure will show up sooner or later and you’ll see problems in treatment. In Mueller’s clinical experience, it takes years of daily dosing with Carcinosinum to truly remove this predisposition.
The Cancer Diathesis is a very big topic. We have produced several tutorials, a paper and other talks on this subject. You will find them on our website, https://thehomeopathiccollege.org.
So let’s look at a summary of how we approach a complex chronic case using The Mueller Method.
Case Taking: The focus here will be on etiology of the disorder(s). Chief complaints, additional complaints, detailed history (to include drugs, surgeries, vaccines, all dental work, and other exposures/traumas with approximate dates/years), family history, generals, particulars, and then finally mentals.
Analysis: Do you see a pattern? Is it apparent that a certain disorder began after a certain exposure? It is not always that apparent. What current drugs are suppressing their symptoms? What emotional factors, if any, are at play? Are there any other causes you can identify?
Prescription: Select Q-potency remedies to cover every chronic syndrome. Begin the clearing (RCT) process with C-potency remedies. Select any additional remedy(s) for “as needed” complaints (e.g. headache, asthma, pain, gallstones, etc). Set up supportive protocols (e.g. supportive mother tinctures like Ginkgo biloba, Crataegus, etc.) to facilitate discontinuation of suppressive or causative drugs. Institute detoxification protocol with cilantro tincture and chlorella, etc. Avoid known causes, and make suitable lifestyle or dietary changes.
Follow-ups: Follow-ups are done every three weeks until stabilization occurs. In cases of cancerous or other serious pathology, we begin with follow-ups every 10 days. Then we move to three weeks then six weeks and gradually to nine and then twelve weeks. Check back for the future tutorial called “The Mueller Method – Case Taking” where the specifics of his case taking methodology will be discussed in detail.
The Mueller Method was designed to resolve modern complex chronic cases. It can dramatically improve outcomes in your practice. By using the whole homeopathic toolbox, it assures consistent clinical success. Its rational basis will do wonders for your sense of integrity as well as for your self-esteem. The result is that your business and your reputation as a practitioner will thrive.
About The Author
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH is a professional homeopath in private practice since 1986. His telephone clinic, Homeopathic Associates, serves clients all over the world. He was President of the North American Society of Homeopaths from 2005-2014. In 1989 he founded The Homeopathic College, where he is Professor of Homeopathic Theory & Practice. His distance learning school specializes in advanced homeopathic protocols that are available as downloadable modules or in CD format. He can be reached by email at [email protected].