Unhappy Cat
Short and simply: my cat was tearing her fur out to the point of being bald and obsessively grooming for almost a year. She had lost 25% of her body weight, became extremely argumentative and irritable (gee wonder why?) after being treated with an oral product for mange (which she never had) containing the drug Ivermectin (it’s also called Heartguard, Ivomec, Stromectol, Mectizan,). A round of the “clearing remedy” (Ivermectin in 30C potency) and ALL symptoms disappeared.
A few weeks later she stated to yank at her fur again, I gave one more does of the “clearing remedy” and all gone. A Miracle! She is a happy, fat cat again. Her weight stabilized and she is gaining it back again. Now she is calm and much happier.
Deluth, GA
Header Photo Credit: MRFRS
Tag:pets, testimonial