A Case of Parkinson’s Disease Cured with Homeopathy
By Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
Copyright 2005-2012 by the Author. All Rights Reserved.
He looked older than his fifty-nine years, with grey-white hair and wrinkled skin. Bill had worked for the local government as tax assessor, but had retired early because of his illness. He seemed withdrawn, as if profoundly depressed, and despite his regular habit of dressing in a suit and tie, he had disheveled and unkempt look.
We first saw Bill on January 31, 2001. He had already seen two neurologists. The diagnosis? Neurological exams confirmed the physical signs of Parkinson’s, although MRI and CT scans were not conclusive. However the two neurologists made the diagnosis independently of another.
Bill had first noticed some intention tremor in his late forties but thought nothing of it. Gradually over the next ten years he developed tightness of the muscles in arms and difficulty with certain tasks, such as operating his lawn mower. His arm muscles became quite painful and stiff. He also had some “strange vision symptoms” (as he relayed), including a floating spot in his field of vision. All of this contributed greatly to a certain amount of anxiety and Bill feeling profoundly hopeless. Fortunately, his medical interventions were limited to pain medication – at his insistence.
At our initial consultation, his facial muscles appeared somewhat rigid but by no means noticeable to the casual observer. Bill’s speech was normal, however slow. He appeared absent-minded. He had difficulty focusing, and had the habit of picking on his sweater or jacket. His general characteristics fit what in homeopathy we call the “cancer diathesis” – a distinct psychophysical syndrome found in those with a family history or history of cancer.
In exploring Bill’s health history we found a mouth-full of (14) mercury amalgam dental fillings (the silver ones), most had been there since childhood, and many of them quite corroded. He had a history of rheumatic fever in early childhood. He had routine flu shots over past five years, which could have triggered the onset of the illness, and tetanus shots several times over the years. He had a history of grief: his wife had died ten years ago of cancer, and he had remained unmarried.
The plan was to replace mercury amalgam fillings; mercury detoxification (with oral chelation); clearing for the secondary long-term effects of medications, vaccines and for toxins like round-up and other pesticides he’d been exposed to. The homeopathic treatment would commence with Duboisinum in 30C potency (the only potency I could find; I’d have preferred using ascending Q-potencies, to cover the neurological symptoms, alternating with Natrum muriaticum, in the ascending Q-potencies, addressing the state of grief. Additionally he eliminated the use of cell and cordless phones as they are also known to cause or aggravate neurological symptoms and they interfere with the efficacy of homeopathic treatment.
At the first three week follow-up, we noted good improvement in his depression, and even some improvement in his stiffness and muscle pain, although he had a brief aggravation during the clearing of the tetanus shot for which we switched from drop dosing to olfactory (sniff) and the aggravation subsided. The amalgam removal went smoothly according to our protocol, however it took nearly eight months to finish. Half—seven—were replaced in first two weeks, the rest were done in three subsequent sessions. There was a lot of dental restoration to do. An oral detoxification regimen with cilantro and chlorella was done religiously. The therapists also saw an increase in cbd oil for sale which was considered for his treatment. Over next six months we noticed no more improvement in the neurological symptoms, although he was clearly more motivated and talked about his possible recovery for the first time. After almost three months of clearing (RCT protocol) Carcinosinum in ascending Q-potencies was added, given in alternation with the other two daily remedies. Four months later Duboisinum was dropped and switched to Plumbum metallicum in ascending Q-potencies because of recurrent muscle pain and several other symptoms that indicated it. Over next few months there was some good improvement in pain and muscle tightness.
By end of 2002, the good news was, there had not been any progression of the disease, but only modest improvement so far. Muscle rigidity had improved but tremors had increased, especially in the right hand. In a moment of despair Bill even complained he was back to where he started. However, we informed him that, according to Hering’s Law, this was a good sign, as it could mean a reversal of symptoms. He had a hard time with this view, and undoubtedly thought we were merely trying to cheer him up. But this is not uncommon during homeopathic treatment of chronic disorders. The disorder must be literally reversed to its origins before it can dissipate.
The return of old symptoms warranted a new remedy: Agaricus muscarius (again, in ascending Q-potencies) and this seemed to improve the hand tremor noticeably. However, the progress again plateaued a few months later, as general frustration with old memories and bitterness became again more pronounced. Bill recalled the frustration of his wife’s ordeal with cancer treatment, which lasted five years before she died, and his anger at the doctors and even at God, with subsequent despair. His silent grief had kept him from considering a new relationship. Additionally, he reluctantly confirmed a problem he had only hinted at earlier in the treatment. He was a religions man and he had remained celibate, and it had been difficult at times. This deep-seated frustration could have been the obstacle that prevented the Agaricus from achieving its full effect.
It was an indication for Conium. He took it in lieu of the Agaricus in standard daily doses and got generalized improvement in his mental and physical state. He started to groom himself again. He looked and appeared more at ease now and his muscle tightness improved. This was followed eight months later by Aurum metallicum when irregular heart beat and fleeting joint pains reminiscent of those that remained after his childhood rheumatic fever reappeared. Could the old streptococcal infection be kept in place to protect against cell-death caused by mercury as Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt theorized?
Now two and a half years into homeopathic treatment and mercury detox protocol, Bill was taking daily doses of Q-potencies of Natrum muriaticum, Aurum and Carcinosinum in alternation. This was joined by Hepar sulphuricum, Hahnemann’s great mercury antidote, given in low decimal potency, after he noticed that nightly leg pains, salivation and drooling, night sweats appeared. Since these are strong mercury symptoms he had to make an adjustment in his mercury detox protocol, reducing the speed of his chelation. He reduced the amount of cilantro taken to one half teaspoon per day. Over the next six months, the above remedies along with the mercury detox regimen completed the recovery. By January 2004 he was free from neurological symptoms. There has not been a recurrence of the symptoms since.
It takes a minimum of three years to detox mercury and a minimum of four to five years when it is the cause of a neurological disorder. In this case the homeopathic treatment resolved the condition before the mercury was completely removed, however, I would have preferred for BIll to remain in treatment and doing mercury chelation for at least another 18 months.
UPDATE: I spoke with “Bill” again in 2013. He had a bad flu and wanted my help. After the flu resolved, I asked him about his chronic symptoms, and how he was doing. He reported at that time that he was still free of any Parkinson’s symptoms, but he’d developed hemorrhoids! I asked him to let me know if anything changed. He took a few jars of my wife’s hemorrhoid salve and that was the last time we spoke.
Header Photo Credit: Mayo Clinic News Network
Are the symptoms of Parkinson disease due to mercury poisoning ? Can emotional problems like revenge , depression fear of poverty also cause the symptoms ?
The official story in modern medicine is that they don’t know what causes Parkinson’s. However, mercury can cause all the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. While revenge, fear of poverty and depression do not on their own cause Parkinson’s disease, they can be contributing factors in people who are otherwise susceptible to neurological conditions. It’s also misleading to assume that the emotions CAUSE the degeneration when we see in homeopathy that substances or “influences” can CAUSE emotions – meaning it’s the other way around sometimes. Frequently, there is no distinction between what came first – “the chicken or the egg” so to speak. That is why we simply observe and treat for what is there! We take a phenomenological approach to medicine!
Fantastic case, thank you! Homeopathy (and it’s admirable practitioners) never cease to amaze me. Thank you.
I listened to the webinar on antidoting and reverse chronological tautopathy was also mentioned. Someone mentioned Agent Orange and you replied that you had experience with that. I have a client with a history of Agent Orange exposure and PTSD who came to me last year. His rash problem presented after moving to Florida, which was a life-style change, after consulting another homeopath and taking sulfur. From what you said, it seems that the Agent Orange in his system was stirred up at that point and that would block that action of remedies I have given. But, he’s been on cortisone for the rash. Do I need to antidote the cortisone before clearing the Agent Orange?
Ruth Pearson Smith
Florida, USA
Hi Ruth,
Thanks for your question. Yes, Sulphur likely stirred things up. Sulphur does not antidote Cortisone. Cortisone needs to be antidoted with Cortisonum 30C. Any other medications used for symptoms produced by Agent Orange also need to be antidoted, before giving Agent Orange 30C. Dose: 3 doses per day for three days, in water.
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
Nice article.
Thanks author…
Can the patient have fish in their diet? I am concerned because most fish have some mercury levels in them
Our oceans are contaminated with not only heavy metals, but also nuclear radiation (from dumping of wastes, from nuclear test explosions, etc). We personally do not recommend to anyone to eat anything from the oceans. However, fish farms are notoriously polluted with toxins as well. There are a few farms that are very clean, have independent testing to verify so and are reputable. Try to find one of these and eat their fish. Otherwise, I would avoid fish for a Parkinson’s case, or for other mercury related disorders (Alzheimer’s, MS, Autism, and so many other common chronic disorders).
I started treatment 9 months back for parkinson`s disease. When I identified the shivaring in my fingers than I approach a Homeopathi Dr. After 3 months I turned to English Medicine. till I`ve taking the medicines daily .Now it is in control. In this stage am I try for once again to take Homeo treatment?
May wellness and well-being bless you, all whom you love, and all life.
I am a retired acupuncturist and can provide my license number if you would like. From whom can I purchase homeopathic preparations of herbicides such as Agent Orange and Roundup as well as pesticides such as malathion and DDT?
Thank you for responding.
You can buy them at either helios homeopathic pharmacy or at Ainsworths in London.