
Homeopathic Cancer Drugs

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A ground-breaking reference book for physicians, professionals, and patients alike.

Do you specialize in or are you thinking of specializing in homeopathic cancer treatment? Do you take an occasional cancer case but wish to learn more? Then this book is for you!
Homeopathic Cancer Drugs is the first clinical materia medica written specifically with the homeopathic oncologist in mind. It contains every fact the homeopathic cancer specialist needs to know in order to treat cancerous pathologies safely, and with a higher degree of success.

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Homeopathic Cancer Drugs contains over 600 remedies and is the most thorough reference work on homeopathic cancer drugs to date. It lists all drugs that have ever been used for the homeopathic treatment of cancer either in clinical practice, case studies or compiled from more than 100 years of homeopathic literature.


It is the first time the symptoms from the homeopathic materia medica have been listed in the context of modern medical categories including additions from current scientific research. It contains the broadest, most up-to-date, most complete, and most accurate array of data the practitioner needs to reliably select an effective remedy for the pathology of each individual case of cancer.



Under the “Additional Information” section you’ll find SAMPLE CHAPTERS for GERMANIUM METALLICUM and SENEGA.



This clinical materia medical is the first of an entirely new genre of homeopathic clinical materia medicas. The clinical materia medica series is unique in its subdivisions. Every drug is presented by:

    • Its source material, in a scientific context and in current taxonomic nomenclature, with basic facts about its preparation.
    • Pathologies for which the drug is used or has been used historically, with references.
    • Individual indications the clinician must know to properly select the drug for each patient.
    • Pertinent symptomatology for the type of condition or location to be treated, organized in the traditional scheme.
    • Differential diagnosis presenting a comparison of similar possible drugs organized alphabetically by symptoms or pathology.
    • All known interactions, such as which drugs follow or complement each other, known adverse interactions, antidotal information, contraindications; etc.
    • Important causative or etiological factors of the drug matching those elicited during the anamnesis.
    • Constitutional characteristics of patients for which the drug is suitable.
    • Clinical notations selected from homeopathic authorities on how the drug should be used.
    • Recommendations for preferred mode of administration, potencies and dose.
    • A comprehensive compilation of pathogenetic experiments done with the drug, with the year, number and gender of provers, modes, amounts, repetitions, potencies, observation period and other methodological details, allowing the practitioner to make a judgment on the relative reliability of the symptomatology and indications.
    • Scientific and pharmacological description, historical, and clinical application, research and other relevant facts for each drug.
    • Published efficacy trials, if any, on the homeopathic  use of the drug in a laboratory or clinical context.
    • Thorough documentation of cases for which the drug was used from the available homeopathic literature.
    • Citations of source(s) used for each reference made in each chapter.

Homeopathic Cancer Drugs is the only place where all this information is listed in one place!



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Additional information


Germanium. Germ-met.

Identification. Germanium metallicum. The metalloid germanium. Ge. Atomic mass: 72.64. Includes carboxethyl germanium sesquioxide (Germanium-132). Organic germanium. Germanium dioxide (Ge-Oc). Lactate-citrate-germinate. Spirogermanium. Trituration.

Pathology. Cancer;MM of colon;Schr transverse;Schr rectum;Schr of lung;Schr cancer;WB of bronchial tubes;WB carcinoma;WB large-cell;WB cancer;WB2 of blood;WB2 leukemia;WB2 lymphatic;WB2 cancerous affections;Schr carcinoma;WB large-cell;WB leukemia;WB2 lymphatic;WB2 myeloma.MM

Indications. For cancer of the colon, rectum, lungs, blood, and for cancerous affections, large-cell carcinoma and lymphocytic leukemia; in withdrawn patients, who feel cut off from others and retreat to their own world; with guilty or worthless feelings, and dreams of burglars; who have difficulty expressing themselves to others; make mistakes while writing or speaking; thin, weak, anemic patients with the carcinic taint, and a history of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and heavy metal intoxication; to antidote their adverse effects; prone to malaise, severe, long-lasting fatigue, emaciation, anemia, anorexia, weight loss, lassitude, heaviness; muscle weakness, diffuse muscle atrophy, myopathy, gait disturbances; muscular and nervous damage, and multiple neuropathies and neurological disorders; worse from exercise, better from warmth; worse or better on waking

Symptomatology. Abdomen/Bowels/Colon/Rectum: Cancer; carcinoma. Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss. Loud rumbling of liquids in abdomen which ameliorates the nausea. Searing pain at the rectum.

Respiratory/Chest/Bronchia/Lung: Cancer; large-cell carcinoma. Constriction. Pain on left agg. during cough.

Blood: Leukemia; chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Anemia, severe lactic acidosis.

Generalities: Cancerous affections; carcinoma; large cell; leukemia; lymphatic; myeloma. Malaise. Severe, long-lasting fatigue. Emaciation. Anemia. Anorexia, weight loss. Lassitude, heaviness. Generalized muscle weakness, diffuse muscle atrophy, myopathy, gait disturbance. Nervous system: muscular and nervous damage, peripheral neuropathy, paresthesia (tingling and numbness) of extremities, dysarthria (poor speech co-ordination) and gait ataxia, loss of the large nerved sheath, nerve fibre loss, autonomic dysfunctions, multiple cranial nerve palsies, gliosis (glue like substance) in dorsal column of the spinal cord, impairment and truncal ataxia, areflexia (lack of reflexes), tongue fasciculation (uncontrollable nerve twitches), reduced nerve conduction, cerbella ataxia. Desires juicy fruit, orange juice, hot potatoes, salty, sweet, wine. Averse to: Cold; oily food. Worse from exercise. Better from warmth. Worse or better on waking.

Mind: Difficulty expressing self to others. Mistakes while writing or speaking. Feeling cut off from others. Retreats to his own world. Guilty or worthless feelings. Dreams of burglars.

Differential Diagnosis. Gink-b.; Gins. The Iron series.

Interactions. None known.

Etiology. Effects of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery. Heavy metal poisoning. Chronic mercury intoxication.

Constitution. Cancer diathesis.

Clinical Notations. Germanium is an immune modulator and enhancer and has attributes of oxygen enrichment and antioxidant properties. It has been used to stimulate the immune system, and for treatment or diseases such as cancer, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus erythematosus. Organic germanium has been clinically shown to stimulate the production of immune (gamma) interferon; activate resting macrophages and convert them to cytoxic (killer) macrophages; stimulate natural killer cell activity, the production of T suppressor cells, and to augment decreased immunity and restore impaired immuno-response in aged mice. It also enriches the body\\\\'s oxygen supply and is a potent antioxidant, properties which contribute to this trace element\\\\'s widespread beneficial effects upon many interrelated metabolic processes of the body.

Organic germanium has been shown to protect against this heavy metal and radiation poisoning by "capturing" heavy metal positive ions in its negatively charged oxygen ions and discharging the poisonous molecules. It counteracts environmental toxins, such as mercury from dental amalgam for fillings, and household products such as thermometers and batteries; lead, in paints, pipes, automobile and industrial exhausts; cadmium, also found in batteries; and radiation from atmospheric fallout, medical and dental procedures, and industrial uses of radioactive products, such as irradiation of food….

Cancer research studies have shown that, at a cellular level, in animals and humans, the evidence for organic germanium\\\\'s anti-cancer properties is solid and reproducible. Tests have shown that organic germanium inhibits DNA RNA and protein synthesis of these cancer cells at very low concentrations. Other studies have shown its positive results against colon, lung and myeloma type cancers, and also to increase the lifespan of animals with certain types of cancers, by activating immune mechanisms, including macrophages, natural killer cells, interferon and T suppressor cells.Sher

Posology. 3x and higher.

Pathogenetic Trials. (1) Sherr conducted a trial on 21 provers, mostly women, taking doses, mode, amount, and repetition not stated, of the 6c, 9c, 12c, 30c potencies (and perhaps 200C potency?); methodology poorly documented.Sher

Pharmacology. Germanium is a lustrous, hard, grayish-white metalloid of the carbon group, chemically similar to its group neighbors tin and silicon. Purified germanium is a semiconductor, with an appearance similar to elemental silicon. Like silicon, germanium reacts and forms complexes with oxygen on nature. Unlike silicon iy is too reactive to be found naturally in the free (native) state. It was discovered in 1886 by the German chemist Clemens Winkler, along with sulfur and silver, in the rare mineral argyrodite. Winkler named it germanium in honor of his country.

Germanium is used as a semiconductor in electronics. It is also used in fiber optics, infrared optics, and in solar cells. Germanium compounds are applied in nanowire production, and for polymerization catalysts. Since it forms a large number of organometallic compounds germanium has found wide application in organometallic chemistry. Germanium is nephrotoxic, and compounds with halogens and hydrogen are irritants and transdermal toxins. Germanium supplements have been marketed as an alternative treatment of leukemia and lung cancer.

Case Documentation. Two further patients suffering from cancer (large-cell bronchial carcinoma, surgically removed five years earlier, still generally well; chronic chronic lymphocytic leukemia, treated multiple times with cycles of chemotherapy that were better tolerated Germanium; stable for over 15 years). Both these patients experienced a striking improvement in their overall sense of well being.Mull

Citations. Boericke W. Pock Man. Enlarged and Revised Ed. Narayana Verlag 2013. Muller KJ. Germanium metallicum Case histories. Cit Boericke W. Ock Man. Sherr J. Dyn Prov 1. Schroyens F. Synth.


Senega. Seneg.

Identification. Polygala senega L. P. virginiana. Radix senegae seu senekae. Seneca snakeroot, a root product form the P. senega. Senega snake-root. Rattlesnake root. Mountain ax. Rattlesnake milkwort. Woods, and dry, rocky soil. Native to North America, Quebec to Georgia, Arkansas, Wyoming, and British Columbia. Fabales/Polygalaceae. Tincture of powdered dried root.

Pathology. Cancer; MM of lungs, MM adenocarcinoma; MM with hemoptysis.; MM cancerous affections; MM adenocarcinoma; MM with cachexia; MM with hemorrhage. MM

Indications. For cancer of the lungs with hemoptysis and for cancerous affections with cachexia and hemorrhage; in anxious, touchy patients, with hypochondriacal melancholy; great readiness to take offense; anguish, often with accelerated and hasty respiration; lively, irritable; paroxysms of rage and fury; lymphatic constitutions with tendency to mucous and serous exudations; old people; emaciated persons; tuberculous or rheumatic subjects; formerly plethoric, phlegmatic persons of lax bre prone to obesity; fat, chubby children; with pains worse from motion and worse from rest; and again, better from motion, and worse when at rest; lethargic, with trembling; depressed with stretching of limbs; heavy; empty; and throbbing; weak; diseases of mucous membranes; marasmus; edema after inflammation; affections of windpipe; left side of chest particularly; right eye; lower eyelids; agg. from looking fixedly at any object for a long time; subacute or chronic exudations of pleura, catarrhal pleuropneumonia in cachectic pleuritis; hydrothorax, edema pulmonum; heart diseases; primary and secondary anasarca; after albuminuria; hydrophthalmia with intraocular compression; in ascites accompanying hepatic diseases, peritonitis and abdominal tumors; in lymphatic constitutions with tendency to mucous and serous exudations; overall worse walking in open air, and during rest, better from sweat and bending head backwards.

Symptomatology. Chest/Lungs: Cancer; adenocarcinoma; with hemoptysis. Dyspnea, with sensation of stagnation in lungs. Shortness of breath when walking quickly and going up stairs. Troublesome oppression of chest, esp. in open air and on stooping, as if thorax too narrow. Pressure in chest, esp. during repose, and in morning, or at night, on waking. Great sensibility in interior coats of chest when touched. Squeezing and spasmodic pains in chest, with agitation and anxiety, esp. when lying on side. Certain movements cause pain, as if chest were too tight; disposed to expand the chest; this leaves soreness. Burning, sore pain under sternum, esp. during motion and on deep inspiration. Orgasms of blood; oppression with ushes of heat; oppression, esp. during rest. Shootings in chest, esp. when coughing and taking an inspiration. Burning, aching, and stitches in left half of chest; agg. lying on right side. Pleurisy right side of chest with thickening. Pain as from excoriation in chest, agg. by external pressure, movement, coughing, and sneezing. Soreness of walls of chest on moving arms, esp. left. Great soreness in walls of chest and great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus which is dif cult to expectorate; pressure on chest as if lungs were pushed back to spine. Accumulation of mucus in chest, larynx, and trachea. Phthisis mucosa: hydrothorax. Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Hemoptysis. Profuse secretion of mucus in lungs of old people. Drawing and burning sensation in the chest. Tingling in the chest. Violent congestion of blood in chest, with pulsation and ebullition, leading even to syncope. The majority of symptoms are most violent during repose, but do not obstruct respiration.

Generalities: Cancerous affections; adenocarcinoma; cachexia; hemorrhage. Emaciation. Sensation of great general lassitude, with trembling, esp. in lower limbs. Great moral and physical depression with stretching of limbs, heaviness, emptiness, and throbbing in head. Great weakness, which seems to proceed from the chest. Great burning in chest, either before or after coughing; profuse secretion of mucus. Dryness of inner parts which are usually moist: dry skin. Diseases of mucous membranes. Marasmus. Dropsy of internal organs (esp. after inflammation). Inflammation of internal organs. General affections of windpipe; left side of chest particularly; right eye; lower eyelids; agg. from looking fixedly at any object for a long time. Subacute or chronic exudations of pleura, catarrhal pleuropneumonia (after Bry.) in cachectic pleuritis, in hydrothorax, edema pulmonum, in diseases of heart, primary and secondary anasarca; in dropsies after albuminuria; hydrophthalmia with intraocular compression; in ascites accompanying hepatic diseases, peritonitis and abdominal tumors; in lymphatic constitutions with tendency to mucous and serous exudations. Fainting, when walking in open air. Several symptoms, esp. those of chest, are agg. by repose, and better by walking in open air.

Mind: Hypochondriacal melancholy, with great readiness to take offence. Excessive anguish, often with accelerated and hasty respiration. Liveliness, with irritability, and disposition to give way to paroxysms of rage and fury.

Differential Diagnosis. Bar-c.; Caust.; Hep.; Squil. Bronchial affections: Ammc. Bronchial and cystic catarrh; dif cult detachment of mucus, turbid urine with burning, etc.; cough causes gagging; more weakness of heart, tendency to gravel, and gout in old people (Seneg. more shaking cough): Aspar. Bronchial catarrh: Spong. Fat, plethoric people disposed to catarrhs: Calc. Frothy urine with mucous shreds: Cop.; Cub. Infantile colic; hysteria; to break up a cold: Nepet. Laryngeal and pulmonary catarrh: Phos. Mucous phthisis: Stann. Pleurodynia, pleurisy: Bry. Whooping cough; morning agg. (Coc-c. clear phlegm; Kali-bi. yellow phlegm; Seneg. clear phlegm, agg. toward evening): Coc-c.; Kali-bi.

Interactions. Followed well by: Calc.; Lyc.; Phos.; Sulph. Antidoted by: Arn.; Bell.; Bry.; camphor.

Etiology. Bites of poisonous animals. Sprains. Rheumatic fever. Tuberculosis.

Constitution. Lymphatic constitutions with tendency to mucous and serous exudations. Plethoric, phlegmatic persons. Persons tending to obesity. Fat persons of lax fibre. Fat, chubby children. Old persons. Emaciated persons.

Clinical Notations. Senega is an old lung tonic, and I suspect it has been an ingredient in most of the lung medicines for the last one hundred years…Senega is a sort of cross between Bryonia alba and Rhus toxicodendron. The violent symptoms are those of Bryonia, yet it is worse from rest, unlike Bryonia. The symptoms of Senega are not so much like Rhus. but it has an amelioration like that of Rhus. better from motion, the pains being worse when at rest.JTK

Posology. Tincture, to thirtieth potency.WB For cancer, tincture and low decimal potencies; also Q-potencies.

Pathogenetic Trials. (1) Massie in 1803 conducted an experiment on himself and on 6 provers, 5 men, 1 woman, taking doses of (a) 10 to 20 drops of gum dissolved in water; (b) 10 to 20 drops of resin dissolved in alcohol; (c) 32 gr. of gum in pills; observing symptoms for a period of a few hours. Mass (2) Seidel conducted a trial on himself and on 7 provers, 5 men, 2 women, taking (a) doses ranging from 1 to 60 drops of the tincture, made from 20 parts of rectified spirit and 1 part of dried and powdered root, observing symptoms over a period of up to 11 days; and (b) 1 dose of 2 to 5 gr. of the powdered root; observing symptoms over a period of up to 13 days. Seid (3) Lembke conducted a self-experiment taking repeated doses ranging from 5 to 10 5 gr. of dry powdered root dissolved in alcohol and water;overaperiodof2days. Lemb (4)Sundelin around 1832 conducted a self- experiment taking a total of 3 doses of unknown amounts of the powdered root every 2 hours. Sund (5) Böcker conducted 4 self-experiments taking (a) repeated and increasing doses beginning with 15 drams of a decoction of Senega root on the 1st day; (b) of powdered root single doses of 10 and 20 gr. on the 2nd and 3rd day, and repeated single doses of 20 to 25 gr. of the same up to 140 gr. on the 4th day; (c) taking unknown amounts of the decoction; and (d), taking “larger quantities of the drug”; and (e), taking an unknown amount of another product of the plant.Böck

Pharmacology. This is a perennial plant indigenous to North America. It is most commonly found in the western states of the Union. It has a woody, branching, contorted root, ash-colored, about one-half inch thick. From the root arise several stems eight to fourteen inches high, erect, simple, smooth and leafy, green near the top, but sometimes tinged red or purple below. Leaves from one to two inches long, lanceolate, tapering at each end, alternate, short-petioled, bright green above, paler beneath. Flowers small, white, irregular, in a filiform spike at the top of the stem. Sepals ve, two of them wing- shaped and petal-like. Petals three, cohering by their claws to the laments. Capsules small, obcordate, compressed, two-valved, two seeded.

John Tennent, a Scotch physician, in 1735, while in the western part of New York State, noticed that the Seneca Indians obtained excellent results from a certain plant as a remedy for the bite of the rattlesnake. As it relieved the symptoms of snake venom, Tennant concluded that it might also relieve dyspnea, cough, and hemoptysis arising from other causes, and gave it with success in cases pneumonia, pleurisy, and hydrothorax. Polygala senega is extensively used in traditional systems of medicine against various lung diseases including lung cancer. While Senega has been used widely for respiratory disorders in homeopathy, its use for cancer has been attempted only recently by the author.

Efficacy Trials. Several in vivo and in vitro studies have scientifically validated Senega’s use as an anti-cancer agent, particularly against lung cancer. Researchers of the Kalyani group in West Bengal India tested the anti-cancer potentials of ethanolic extract of roots of P. senega in mice, and in human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines (A549). The tests showed positive modulation in expression of signal proteins. Up regulation of apoptotic signals such as p53, Caspase-3 and Bax, and down regulation of AhR, cytochrome P450 (CYP1A1), Bcl-2 and PCNA were observed. Addition of root extract of Polygala senega (at doses of 50 μg and 100 μg) into culture medium containing A549 cells induced recovery of decreased cell viability and increased chromatin fragmentation (apoptosis). The authors concluded that both in vivo and in vitro studies scienti cally validate “its potential use as an anti-cancer agent, particularly against lung cancer.”Paul

Case Documentation. None known.

Citations. Allen TF Enc 8,10. Böcker. Beitr Heilk 2:20. Boericke W. Pock Man. Bradford TL. Ind. Clarke JH. Dict. Hering C. Guid. Sympt 9. Hughes R. Drug Path. Lembke. Neu Zeit Hom. Klin 13:161. Massie T. An Experimental Inquiry into the Properties of the Polygala Senega. Inaug Thesis University of Pennsylvania 1803. Paul S. Anticancer potentials of root extract of Polygala senega and its PLGA nanoparticles-encapsulated form. Evid Based Complement Alternative Med 2011 9:517204. O‘Connor JT. Pharm. Pierce W. Graph Drug Pict. Seidel. Arch hom Heilk 9;2:175. Stapf JE. Add Mat Med Pura. Vermeulen F. Conc. Syn.


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